
About my hijab :) how can you judge me for wearing hijab?

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this mainly goes to those who dont understand why we muslimahs wear hijab.




  1. you miss the point , covering ones body is all about shame or saying woman have to hide it becaue men are all pervs , well the blokes i know are not pervs , and i find it very offernsive that you feel the need to cover up from perverted eyes , thats my father/cousins/brother/uncles your talking about who have nothing but respect for woman

    woman in the west fought for hundreds of years to be able to lift there skirts of the bloody ground and here you lot come into our countries saying woman should cover up !

    you say your liberating yourselves? then you clearly have never had the pleasure of just stripping off and letting the sun hit your skin

    and so what if a bloke has a look? its a complement ! he can look as long as he doesnt touch , it doesnt make that woman less respectful or honrable or what ever clap trap you lot come out with.

    its just your own arrogance that leads you to belive that everyone is perving on you , get over yourselves , and your book does not say that woman should wear head scarves it says dress moderatly for both men and woman

    now i dont care what muslims wear in there own countries , but dont bring it into mine ( britian )

    *edit* vendi vidi vici ; you cannot control peoples thoughts !!! ofcourse everyone has a dirty thought and trust me i know men think about s*x alot (iv got lots of males freinds , who laugh about it all the time ) but it doesnt make them perverts ! just becasue they think about how fit a girl is doesnt mean they want to rape her or w/e

  2. no body can judge you from your hijab .because if you fooling pepole by hijab you are fooling only your self.

  3. They can't but who cares. Let them and her up there bass in their ignorance. Just patiently persevere and know that it is about showing gratitude in your actions.

    No matter how much you want to throw your fist into the mouths of the ignorants like you know who, just open up your hand and wave at the other hijabi's. lol


    EDIT: and oh Blue Eyes, Britian is not your country. It is all of ours. Yours mine. All of humanitites and animalities. hahhah

  4. Hi Salma,

    I do not judge people on what they wear. I have enough problems and business of my own to take care of without interfering in someone else's affairs.


    Michael Kelly

  5. Miss blue eyes YOU are missing the point. Firstly dressing moderately in Islam does require the hijab which people like you who like to feel the 'sun on their skin' can hardly understand.

    You are so concerned with bad impressions  about your father, brother etc. just once stop and watch what they look at when in public. you are a bit too naive to think they always have nice thoughts about how they can respect the women around them more.

    Lastly if the country allows freewill in dressing oneself maybe you should opt for some other place where you can brainwash people into doing things 'the way you like'.

    Judging people for practicing their faith is sick and narrow-minded.

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