
About my project on NETWORKING???

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I'm doin M.Tech. My guide asked me to do project on NETWORKING. ANyone please sugest me sume best and interesting fields to do projects in networking. if u able please tell me how to approach.

thank you.




  1. Networking



    Internet Routing

    XORP: eXtensible Open-source Router Platform

    The goal of the XORP project is to develop an open source software router platform that is stable and fully featured enough for production use, and flexible and extensible enough to enable network research. Currently XORP implements routing protocols for IPv4 and OPv6 and a unified means to configure them. A future goal is to support custom hardware and software forwarding architectures.

    Network Intrusion Detection

    Bro: a Network Intrusion Detection System

    Bro is a Unix-based Network Intrusion Detection System (IDS). Bro monitors network traffic and detects intrusion attempts based on the traffic characteristics and content. Bro detects intrusions by comparing network traffic against rules describing events that are deemed troublesome. These rules might describe activities (e.g., certain hosts connecting to certain services), what activities are worth alerting (e.g., attempts to a given number of different hosts constitutes a "scan"), or signatures describing known attacks or access to known vulnerabilities. If Bro detects something of interest, it can be instructed to either issue a log entry or initiate the execution of an operating system command. It is currently running at LBL, ICSI, and UC Berkeley. The Bro Website

    Novel Internet Architectures

    IRIS: Infrastructure for Resilient Internet Systems

    The NSF funded IRIS project is developing a novel decentralized infrastructure, based on distributed hash tables (DHTs), that will enable a new generation of large-scale distributed applications. DHTs are robust in the face of failures, attacks and unexpectedly high loads. They are scalable, achieving large system sizes without incurring undue overhead. They are self-configuring, automatically incorporating new nodes without manual intervention or oversight. They provide a simple and flexible interface and are simultaneously usable by many applications. The IRIS Project Website. ICSI researchers are working specificaly on a layered naming architecture for the Internet, delegation-oriented architecture, and untangling the web from DNS (Domain Name System).

    Packet Obituaries

    ICSI research on packet obituaries is funded through the NSF's Robust ITR Program. The Internet is transparent to success but opaque to failure. This veil of ignorance prevents ISPs from detecting failures by peering partners, and hosts from intelligentely adapting their routes to adverse network conditions. To rectify this, Networking Group researchers propose an accountability framework that would tell hosts where their packets have died. There is a preliminary version of this framework which has been analyzed for its viability.

    Reactive Network Measurement

    Reactive measurement (REM) is a measurement technique in which one measurement's results are used to decide what (if any) additional measurements are required to further understand some observed phenomenon. While reactive measurement has been used on occasion in measurement studies, what has been lacking is (i) an examination of its general power, and (ii) a generic framework for facilitating fluid use of this approach. ICSI researchers believe that by enabling the coupling of disparate measurement tools, REM holds great promise for assisting researchers and operators in determining the root causes of network problems and enabling measurement targeted for specific conditions. This project aims to explore REM's power by developing a prototype REM system and applying it to perform a number of measurement studies. This research is made possible with funding from Cisco Systems.


    Modeling enterprise traffic: The characteristics of network traffic within an enterprise have gone unexamined in the literature for more than a decade. This project aims to develop such a characterization for modern Internet traffic, as recorded internal to the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Such basic questions as "What are the dominant types of traffic" and "How do the traffic patterns differ from wide-area Internet traffic" remain unanswered. Thus, this effort has the potential to yield many interesting and possibly surprising results.

    Internet Congestion Control

    The Networking Group is researching methods of Internet congestion control. They have designed a new protocol, Datagram Congestion Control Protocol (DCCP), that combines unreliable datagram delivery with built-in congestion control. DCCP is in the final stages of standardization in the IETF. There is also research being conducted on congestion control in high BER networks, detecting spurious retransmissions, reducing RTOs in TCP, bursting in transport protocols, and QuickStart, an optional mechanism that flows could use to get approval from routers to send at a high sending rate on a significantly-underutilized path.

  2. ther is course in bangalore near majestic, i donot exzactly remember


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