
About my rabbit?

by  |  earlier

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yea, for my rabbit, i keep her in my room (she doesnt smell) and it it about 67degrees F and she seems fine. Is that fine because i have an air conditioner but it doesnt seem that cold just cool. and my other question is i got some bedding witch is newspaper shreddings. Should i also get timothy hay and put some where she sleeps so she is more comfortable? thanks a lot




  1. i think that u should try it and see if it works better than just shredding.

    hope i helped bye

  2. i would not  lower the temp. that is a very suitable temperature for a rabbit. but i would maybe raise it to 70? and rabbits eat timothy hay so i would get the wood shaving bedding, just dont get pine because rabbits are allergic!!

  3. that seems cool enough. if she acts hot, put a small fan blowing hrough her cage, but make sure she has a place to get out of the blowing air if she wants. keep it on a low setting. Newspaper is fine, she may eat it so be sure not to use glossy ads and such. She will only eat the timothy, which is good for her but don't give her a lot at a time. if ypu are worried about comfort, use shaving where she sleeps, but clean newspaper is just fine. If you get timothy hay, i would go to a local farmer and ask if you can buy a "flake" or "small slab" or "leaf" of hay. you could buy a small bale or 1/2 a bale from a farmer that will last in a cool dry place for MUCH cheeper than buying one of those little $6 bales from the store. Im a farmer and i know that those are a rip off. if he dosn't have timothy, ask for some sort of "second cutting", he'll know what you meen.

  4. 67 degrees is fine.  Good for you for keeping her inside--rabbits are very sensitive to temperature!  Over 80 degrees is bad, under 40 is bad.

    Rabbits need to eat hay for their digestive systems to work.  They need to be constantly digesting fiber; since they cannot vomit or cough up hairballs, all the hair that gets into their system when they groom themselves has to be pushed through.  They tend to like oat hay better than timothy (and it's less dusty, which is nice--I also love the way oat hay smells), but it's hard to find oat hay unless you can find a feed store, because pet stores only sell the timothy.
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