
About national guard promotions?

by  |  earlier

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well yesterday I gave my pt score to my training nco. he said that was all he needed to verify if I was eligible for e5 promotion. Since now I have been in the guard for a year coming out of active. I was wondering when would the next list come out and would I be ahead of most people because I have 5years active and deployed once?




  1. Your first mistake was joining the national guards, if you didn't're about to find out. Their promotion is based on two factor

    1. slot availability for your mos/pay grade (not many in the N.G)

    2. "most important" is the good ole boy system, if they don't like you, or you're not in the "click"... it doesn't matter, you can walk on water...YOU STILL WON'T GET PROMOTED

  2. did u ever go to college? that will put you way on top of the list. and your military record will help as well but main focus is on educational developement. I'm guessing you're withing the 25-30 age group. you shouldve gone to college man.

    i joined the Guard at 18 and now after all the training, I'm going to the SMP program to be an officer and I'm getting an automatic promotion to an E-5 as far as pay grade goes and now im only 19.  

  3. 19 years old and an E5 - that's a load of BS from the other dude.  The way the Guard works is different then active duty.  There is no imfamous 'list'.  Once you has done the requirements (PT, ledership school, etc...) then they put you in for promotion.  Your promotion is soley based on the needs of your unit.  If you're in a section and there are two E5 slots available and only two people are up for it, then you both get it pending commanders' approval.  Where as active duty you had to check your list and see what the current needs of the entire force were.  If there are no E5 slots available for you, you will have to wait until somebody else gets promoted regardless of what you score or how much they like you.

  4. Your active service is surely an advantage. They usually won't have lists for the reserves or guard. Your packet will go before a board, they will review it, and if you are approved your promoted. It's really simple actually. As long as you have enough points and your packet gets approved, your in...

  5. Roarman -

    David is correct about the E-5 thing, it's called the Simultaneous Membership Program.

  6. Unless something has changed recently, there is a list.  You should go over your promotion packet (more like a checklist) to see how many points you have.  A good PT score helps, but its only a factor.  Time in service/grade, civilian and military schools, etc. all give you points.  Your state should publish the list after 1 Oct and you will be on the list, based on your score and MOS.  A vacant slot in your unit is helpful, but there might be an opportunity to transfer to the unit with the vacancy.

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