
About nightmares, is this for kids only?

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i get bad dreams a lot. will it stop when i get older?




  1. No. Nightmares aren't for kids only. Adults get this too. However depending on how that adult grew up, nightmares could be treated as a bad dream or a representation of your waking life.

    Those nightmares could be stress-related or trauma-related. In time, you'll resolve this. Sometimes on your own, sometimes thru an experts help.

    Hope this helps.  

  2. have you been abused?  

  3. ...try to vary your sleeping patterns, baby.  you might want to leave a night lamp on or even the TV or the radio on.  also, try to relax before bedtime.  think of the good things that happened to you that day.  make yourself smile or laugh as you reminisce the fun stuff.  and most of all, don't forget your prayers.  sleep tight, baby girl.

  4. Unfortunetly, no. You will most likely get nightmares as an adult. But you may have less nightmares.

    The reason you get nightmares may be because you are in stress of some sort. Or maybe something in your room scares you. I would try making your room as comfortable, friendly, and secure as possible. Make your room your safe haven.

    Every night before you go to sleep, I would recommend taking 10 deep breaths and think about all the positive things that are supposed to occur the next day. Don't think about something stressful. Or you can start forming a dream in your head- make sure it is a good dream though!

    I hope this helps, good luck!  

  5. hard to say whats the reason for nightmares but it helps a lot if you think happy things before you sleep coz dreams are continuation of our conscious thoughts.

  6. No it won't but you might be able to cope with it better as you get older..

  7. You guys watch too many movies. Anyone can have nightmares.  Unless you major in Psychology or related field you are not in the position to say these things.

  8. No one is spared from having nightmares, moreso for people who have went through a horrendous or traumatic experience.  They relive that experience in their dreams.  Sometimes one outgrows having nightmares, others don't which is why it is necessary or vital to seek immediate professional  help because it can affect a person's stability both mental and physical.

    In your case, I can't really say whether you'll stop having bad dreams when you get older because it depends on how deeply disturbed you are with your dreams.  Maybe you need to understand how and why.  From these, you might get an answer.

  9. Are you thinking to much? or are you trying to avoid something? it really depends on what your feeling. Nightmares are normal to all people in the world, we cant really avoid it. Even I, myself has lots of nightmares in my dreams. I can avoid it by listening to soft music and not thinking to much and trying to relax my mind =]  

  10. all people get bad dreams every now and then. kids have wild imagination and have nightmares more often. stop watching scary movies especially before bedtime.

  11. It will stop when you marry a white man or woman.

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