
About parakeets? what is the difference.......pls answer?

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what is the difference between budgies, pied parakeets and peach faced?

pls specify...

and also... the vitamins that i put onto my budgies water made the water go yellow... as in the water's color is yellow.. is that fine for them?

and also, how should i get my budgies out? i want to let them out..

thank u!!




  1. Budgies are very small, and are part of the parrot family. Parakeets are refered to as small parrots. For eg:

    A budgie

    A Cockatiel

    A Love bird

    A Ring Neck

    Are all part of the parakeet family.

    Then you get:

    A Macaw

    A Cockatoo

    An African Grey

    An Amazonian Parrot

    These are all part of the parrot family. The reason for this is because they are bigger than the above listed parakeets.

    A Pied parakeet, is a bird with prominent markings on its face compared to the normal species of its kind. Here are 2 examples:

    Pied Parakeet (budgie)

    Normal Budgie:

    Peach faced parakeets are different all together. It is a love bird, also known as a pech face parakeet.

    Here is an example:

    And to answer your last question, yes the water is fine. If its the vitamins that are making it go yellow when you are supposed to put it in the water, then it sounds normal. Get them some cuddle bone too.

    And yes its ok to take them out the cage, just make sure that you clip their wings before you take them out, because they can fly out the doors or windows and go missing, or they can fly into sharp objects and get hurt.

    Take them to the pet shop and clip their wings, ask them to show you how to clip their wings, so that next time you want to clip their wings you know how to do it yourself.

    Hope this helps you and good luck! =]

  2. Some birds don't like having things added to their water. So keep an eye on them and make sure you actually see them drinking it, or else they might become dehydrated...

  3. You don't need to add vitamins to their water if you are feeding a good diet.  Sorry ash Love birds and Cockatiels are not types of parakeets.

  4. Actually black_sun99 Ash is right, small versions of parrots are parakeets. Maybe you should consider looking into it? I have know all my life that A love bird and a cockatiel are part of the parakeet family. So is a budgie for that matter. Parakeet is a small parrot.

    *wink* do your homework hunny..

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