
About party invitations and phrasing?

by  |  earlier

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exactly how do i tell parents that they are welcome to attend my son's party with their children but they will have to pay for themselves. i also want to state that their child will get his meal paid for aswell as a game card. i won't be paying for their parents or their many siblings. though i'm sure it's understood to most but i want to still address this issue for the "one" parent who doesnt know. thanks.

p.s. i'm a writer and i should know how to write this. but when i read what i write it just comes off sounding rude.




  1. I really like Ebony's idea, that guests will be welcome at their own expense.

    You can also do:

    _____(child's name that's invited), your parents and siblings can come too, but we can only treat you to the birthday goodies.


    Parents and siblings are welcome too at their own expense.

    Parents and siblings are welcome to come and pay their way to join the party.

    I hope these help and that your son has a great party and a very Happy Birthday!!

  2. I would address the invitation to the child who is being invited, care of the parents.  After a list of party details (when, where, times) I would say something like

    (Child's name) will be treated to a free meal and one game card.  Guests of (child's name) are welcome at their own expense.  We look forward to seeing you.

    This may sound a little formal, but it gets your point across with out being rude.

    Good luck with your party!

  3. maybe something like this will help:

    Your child is invited to celebrate (son's name)'s birthday at (location name)! Meal and game card included for one guest per invitation, but all are welcome to join us for a day of fun, food, and games!

    I hope this helps or sparks an idea for you!

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