
About plants..... please answer, it's for my presentation...?

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1.What's the function of a root ?

2.What's the function of a stem ?

3.What's the function of a flower ?

4.What's the function of a leaf ?

what's the website to find info about plant's stucture ??

thx if u answer...




  1. 1.To keep the plant in place.

    2.To store water

    3.For bees to use

    4.For plants to obtain energy.

  2. Try these links:

    Plant Structure and Their Function

    Plant Structure

  3. Please check this sites

    hope this can help:-)

  4. Check Wikipedia first always





  5. 1.  Absorption of H2O, anchoring the plant to the ground, nutrient absorption.

    2.  Transporting water, minerals, and sugars, gives sturdiness.

    3.  Reproduction/attracting pollinators.

    4.  Photosynthesis, Evapotranspiration

    This is a great website:

  6. The root absorbs the nutrients needed by the plant from the soil. It also anchors the plant in place.

    The stem transports water and nutrients from the roots to the leaves and transports food produced by the leaves to the roots. The stem consists of two vascular tissues: the xylem (for carrying water upward), and the phloem (for carrying food downward).

    The flower is the reproductive part of the plant. The flower, when pollinated and fertilized, produces fruits and seeds to make new plants. The male part of the flower is called the stamen, and the female part is called the pistil.

    The leaf makes food for the plant. It absorbs energy from the sun, and together with the water that comes from the soil, it produces glucose ( a sugar, the plant's food) in a process called photosynthesis.

    There are hundreds of sites out there that give detailed diagrams of the parts of a plant. Try a general search with Yahoo! Search; you'd easily find what you are looking for.

  7. 1. Anchorage and collecting water

    2. To bring water up to the leaf to make food

    3. pollination(bees)

    4.Photosynthesisis(making food)

  8. 1.What's the function of a root ?

    1.) absorption of water and inorganic nutrients and 2.) anchoring the plant body to the ground.

    2.What's the function of a stem ?

    Stems have four main functions which are

      Support for and the elevation of leaves, flowers and fruits. The stems keep the leaves in the light and provide a place for the plant to keep its flowers and fruits.

         Transport of fluids between the roots and the shoots in the xylem and phloem.

         Storage of nutrients.

          The production of new living tissue. The normal life span of plant cells is one to three years. Stems have cells called meristems that annually generate new living tissue.

    3.What's the function of a flower ?

    The biological function of a flower is to mediate the union of male sperm with female ovum in order to produce seeds.

    4.What's the function of a leaf ?

    a leaf is an above-ground plant organ specialized for photosynthesis. For this purpose, a leaf is typically flat (laminar) and thin, to expose the cells containing chloroplast to light over a broad area, and to allow light to penetrate fully into the tissues. Leaves are also the sites in most plants where transpiration and guttation take place. Leaves can store food and water, and are modified in some plants for other purposes.

    and for plant structure you can visit

    i think i have helped you enough for presentation.

    thank you

  9. lengthy but hope this helps you


    The root system of a flowering plant begins its development from the hypocotyl of the embryo of the seed which gives rise to the primary root. Roots generally grow downwards into the soil (positively geotropic) and upwards (negatively geotropic). Roots do not bear leaves and therefore no nodes are present.Two kinds of root systems can be distinguished in flowering plants: tap root systems and adventitious root systems. Usually dicotyledons posses tap root systems and monocotyledons adventitious root systems.

    Tap Root System: The primary root grows vertically down into the soil in the tap root system. Later lateral or secondary roots grow from this at an acute angle outwards and downwards, and from these other branches may arise. The main or primary root is known as the tap root; together with its many branch roots it forms a tap root system e.g. the bean.

    Adventitious Root System: The primary root usually dies at an early stage and is replaced by numerous roots that develop from the stem. These roots, which develop from the stem, are equal in size. They are known as a adventitious roots, which give rise to branch or lateral roots and form an adventitious root system, e.g. the mealie.

    Functions of the Root;

    Roots anchor the plant in the soil.

    Roots absorb water and mineral salts from the soil.

    Roots may store food.

    The root cap covers and protects the delicate growing tip from injury and damage as the root pushes its way through the soil.The main function of the root hairs is to increase the area of absorption of the root.


    Stems have four main functions which are

    Support for and the elevation of leaves, flowers and fruits. The stems keep the leaves in the light and provide a place for the plant to keep its flowers and fruits.

    Transport of fluids between the roots and the shoots in the xylem and phloem.

    Storage of nutrients.

    The production of new living tissue. The normal life span of plant cells is one to three years. Stems have cells called meristems that annually generate new living tissue.


    The leaf of a plant serves two basic functions:   i) photosynthesis, and ii) cellular respiration.

    i)  Photosynthesis

    Photosynthesis is a chemical reaction in which plants convert radiant energy (light energy) into chemical energy (food energy or more specifically, glucose).

    ii)  Cellular Respiration

    Cellular respiration is the chemical reaction in which chemical energy (glucose) is converted into usable energy for the plant.


    cture found in flowering plants (plants of the division Magnoliophyta, also called angiosperms). The biological function of a flower is to mediate the union of male sperm with female ovum in order to produce seeds. The process begins with pollination, is followed by fertilization, leading to the formation and dispersal of the seeds. For the higher plants, seeds are the next generation, and serve as the primary means by which individuals of a species are dispersed across the landscape. The grouping of flowers on a plant are called the inflorescence.

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