
About "global warming" comments.?

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feel free to add to my comment but i just wonder, what exact time and day global warming will really hit us to realize that ppl. will finally do sumthin about it. Interesting yet frightening stuff. thx 4 ur comments if there are any. :)




  1. July 23 2098. This is an exact date but I doubt it is correct hope this helps.

  2. I go with Ned S. "July 23 2098" this is as good a date as any.

    Before that time either we totally stopped GW to zero increase or we are doomed.

    By the way, GW will continue indefinitely until it reaches 846 Deg. Fahrenheit.  

    How do I know that? That is the temperature of Venus, and they have NO Global Warming, anymore. Something to look forwards.

    Here is a crazy idea: Use a Jillion Nuclear Powerplants to suck the air and remove the CO2 from the air. Nobody knows how to do that, yet but you can hope, right? A little problem, we may only be able to clean the air at less than 30,000 ft and the world would go broke trying to do it. Otherwise, a perfectly dumb idea.

  3. Tomorrow!

  4. When h**l freezes over.

    See the problem here, It will be too hot! It will never freeze.

    Oh well, grab a beach towel, lets go surfing! WHOOhooooo!

    Or maybe we'll realize it at the same time we would have realized that the earth was going into an ice age like they said adamantly 30 years ago. They were as serious then as they are now. People stop getting scared after things don't turn out the way they promise they will.

    I personally, just burned 3 car tires and purposely threw a plastic container in the non-recyclable can just for the heck of it. And I kicked a puppy. Twice. And he was lucky to get off that easy, eatin' all my shrooms'! These puppies have NO respect for other peoples property these days. Sheeesh!

    What was the question?

  5. I am terrific of global warming, because i don't want to start life, and its ending.

  6. It won't be a thundering boom where everyone realizes it at once, but a series of little nudges awakening people to the truth a handful at a time.

    We still have people arguing that the planet is only 6012 years old, plate tectonics is wrong and the HIV virus doesn't exist; so there will always be some that deny global warming is real.

  7. People in general will not realize GW is real until it directly and profoundly effects their personal lives, or the lives of their loved ones.

    If you look at the graphs and photographic evidence that the Arctic sea ice is rapidly diminishing and may very soon be absent in the summer then denying global warming as a real effect seems rather pointless....

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