Ive been dating a man for two years now and we get along for about three days at the most; then we are arguing again. These argues last for a couple of days where I feel so drained that I give up . He mainly blames me for everything that I don't say correctly. He wants me to say it his way. Its very petty arguments . The bottom line is I'm not perfect and he wants me to change . I'm tired of changing in this relationship, I already feel bad about myself because he never lets me forget anything that has gone wrong in our relationship.
Ive never cheated or went out with my girlfriends or ever done him wrong that away. I just stay at home and take care of my little girl. I have allot of emotional problems due to a accident I had 5 years ago, it caused allot of trauma to my brain where I have trouble concentrating at times , lots of anxiety & memory problems . He makes me feel that I'm stupid . Don't get me wrong, we do have good times and when its good its really good. I want out , but I love him. I'm scared to leave because my self esteem is so low because of my mental impairments that I feel no-one will have anything to do with me. He always says it will take a really good person to be with you kim.
I'm 29 and everyone tells me that I'm beautiful, but that's about all I feel I got going for me. I'm disabled at 29 , and I raising a 6 yr old.
What should I do?