
About reverse osmosis.?

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How ode sreverse osmosis work, how many filters does it has? and what does it filter and remove?




  1. Reverse Osmosis does NOT use filters (except maybe to prevent debris from clogging the membrane) it has a membrane that act in a similar fashion to a filter (but it isnt a filter and shouldnt be thought of as one). the membrane is a thin watertight barrier that will allow molecules to transfer across it.

    it was discovered that if you have pure water on one side of this membrane and impure on the other then water molecules would transfer across from the pure to the impure side, this process is called osmosis. but osmosis only gives us more dirty water, so we figured out how to run it in reverse (pressurise the impure water and add a small electric current) causing the H2O from the impure water to transfer across the membrane barrier to become pure water.

    so in a reverse osmosis plant filters will remove debris and the membrane will remove all impurities.

    Generally a reverse osmosis plant will have several membranes operating at once to speed up the production of pure water. (sorry, no idea on numbers)

  2. Reverse osmosis is the process of taking contaminated water (usually salt water in a desalinization plant), and pushing it through filters at very high pressure.  The filters catch the contaminant and fresh, clean water comes out the other side.  This is called reverse osmosis as water typically runs towards solutes,  (such as salt) diluting them, but in this case the water is being forced away from solutes.  As for the number of filters needed I have no idea, probably depends on what you are filtering out of the water.  Hope this helps!

  3. wouldn't a sponge work

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