
About running?

by  |  earlier

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I've just started to run, and this is embarrassing to say because everyone on here talks about running 5 miles like it was nothing. Well I ran 5 minutes, because I'm out of shape and I need to get ready for soccer. Anyway if I run 5 minutes and walk 20, is that actually doing anything? I'm planning to gradually reduce the walking time and increase the running time as 5 minutes of running gets easy. So run 10 minutes, walk 10, run 15, walk 5, until I only run.

My question is, is this actually do anything to help me lose some pounds maybe and get me in shape for soccer?




  1. Yes you are getting a benfit both cardiovascularlly and calorie-burning. Don't feel bad, everyone is a beginner at one point and look at me! I ran a 7.34 mile my first time ever and one year later from that day I ran a 5.10. Improvements come quickly. Check these run/walk schedules out. Stick with them:,71...

    All very lengthy and in detail except first one.

    God bless you and good luck in your soccer season!

  2. Since i'm assuming you have internet access there are site that have tested scheduels for building up running beginners... i dont think walking for twenty minutes will do anything... a full work out to even start building muscle takes thirty minutes... google running for beginners or marathon training and see what you get...

  3. just jog, it will increase your stamina, jog everymorning atleast 1hour. and do a sprint run 1minute, then do it everyday,

  4. start with wind sprints. run 40 yards and walk back then repeat over and over. when i was young and in shape i would do 50 70 yard wind sprints. 2% body fat. start out slow. don't hurt your self. streching is also a must.

  5. A good way to get started is to run/walk. Just run easy until you need to walk and then walk until you feel like running again.

    You should be able to run the entire distance in a month.

    People who can run 5 miles have been training a long time, they did not start out running 5 miles.

    Your plan is a good one.

    To help lose weight you have to limit your calories, it doesn't matter how far you run you can still gain weight.

    Losing weight is a matter of burning more calories than you consume.

    Once you are in better condition you can begin to do some stress work so that you can train for soccer.
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