
About school work, do you think i still have the chance???

by  |  earlier

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i was once a brilliant student since 1st grade until my high school years: i was very fast with numbers when i was in 2nd grade i mastered adding and subtracting 4 digit numbers, but all of those are gone. I'm a student who became a straight D student this year. what's wrong with me?

and then I had a huge crush on this valedictorian, after the crushing thing, i lost all my interests with ps2s psps and those gadgets, because i became ambitious on being a valedictorian, but how do i start from the beginning if i want to be smart? because skipping classes is also going to ruin my chances, although i didn't start skipping yet.

my highschool years are ruined, will i ever change? do you think a straight D student would ever become a straight A student again? it's in our family to be miracles still happen? how do i start? and there's an upcoming exam on thursday to friday!?!?!!

and the study habits? give tips please!!!




  1. YES! You can turn yourself around.

    It's not that you're not smart anymore, you just stopped trying.

    Don't skip any classes, that won't help you at all.

    So there's an exam on Thursday-Friday? Study your BUTT off! Use the long weekend to study. Go to the library, or somewhere quiet where you won't be tempted with the computer and stuff, and just  leave your cell phone at home.

    Bring everything you'll need:

    -Pens and pencils

    -Note cards


    -Text book (s)

    -Water bottle

    -Discreet snack (most libraries don't allow food, but you can discreetly pop a gold fish cracker into your mouth every once in a while)

    Take notes. In your notebook, and on your note cards. Make the note cards so you can quiz yourself.

    If it's a math exam, and you don't get the problems, the book WILL explain it if you read. If that fails, go in early on Tuesday (or Monday if you don't have the long weekend) but don't go in the day of the test and say you don't get it, going in early will show that you're being responsible and really do want to learn.  

    Make sure you start to do all your homework.

    But study, study study. Study until you could answer the questions in your sleep.

    Now obviously, normally you wouldn't have to study THIS much, but you know why I'm telling you to do this?

    Because when you are really well prepared the test will be extremley easy for you. And then when you get that A or even B on the test. you're going to be SO happy and want to keep on getting grades like that, right?

    So study for like, an hour or two a day in a quiet space like the library, and then go back home and study in between commercial breaks. Mute the tv and read your notes or quiz yourself.

    And you can also make studing fun. Okay, not really, lol, but sorta fun, atleast!

    If you follow your promises to yourself you could do this:

    Make super hard note cards, and then about half hour later (if you do it right away you'll remember the answers you wrote) quiz yourself, and for each set of them you get right, say, you'll let yourself play a video game or something. (Idk! lol )

    Put questions on sticky notes and post them up all around the house, and put the answers on sticky notes on different sticky notes and go around the house as fast as you can and match the Q and A up.

    ^^ I love doing that one.

    I hope this helps. When you get the test score back, post another question that's not really a question, just saying what you got, okay? Cuz I think that if you're determined enough you'll do really really well!  Oh or, just extend your question and then if you get the test back in time when you choose best answer say what you got- I'll be able to find this question again so I can see it. =)

    Break a leg! [Yes i'm aware that's for show biz]

  2. Do not give up. Have faith in yourself. Some successful people started late such as einstein who was playful in class last time i think (or did i get the wrong person?)

    Nine Tenths of Education is Encouragement. I can understand your situation as I have this crush on a teacher and I simply love the subject she is teaching and my ambition is to become a teacher teaching the same subject. Its just wonderful how these miracles can come to us. I trust in God. Maybe God wants you to become a valedictorian. Pray to God. Ask him for His guidance and help. With God's help, nothing is impossible.

    Relax your brain and study. The first step to failure is you losing confidence. Even if you think yourself less advantaged that others, just continue to have hope in yourself. Keep thinking that you will definitely reach your goal. A strong mindset does help. With that in your mind, prepare yourself for the final dash and go for it with no regrets.

    Good Luck to you. May God bless you and be with you. I trust that you definitely can turn over a new leaf. Have trust in yourself too!

  3. I taught for a number of years.  I know that many students lose their path in middle school and decide to become serious again in high school.  And it happens for them, if they are dedicated and hardworking.

    You should approach your teachers with your goals privately.  Let them know that you want to succeed.  Ask them what they think about the possibility of you receiving an A this term? if not this term, next term?  What is the best grade that I could earn for this term?

    Keep those lines of communication open, because you will want their support and they will want to know that you care about yourself as much as they care about you!

  4. you're ruined man

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