
About shadow people? I never came across this term till last night, and I have a few questions.?

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1) Are they all bad or like other spirits can they go either way? 2) Were/Are they human?

3) I run local paper routes and on my third route there is a spirit that not only I have seen, but also my husband & daughter. The spirit seems to enjoy running thru the backyards of one side of the street, which I know it has to be a spirit, because no human can run thru solid wood fences, nor jump them as fast as this guy(it has a male shape) can. Than yesterday, I saw him jogging in the main road as I walked along the side as if he was keeping up with me. It's head was shaped in such a way that I know it was watching me, but it was somewhat transparent so I know it wasn't an actual person. I have seen it in the shadows though watching and waiting for me to get to a certain point as if it's timing me. Do I try to communicate with it, or is it trying to let me know something? Its always watching me, but now it gets closer and is that a good thing or bad? I don't get any bad vibes.




  1. It is a sign he is trying to tell you some thing . Be brave and storng but know your limets. talk to him.

  2. If you look a couple questions down, there is an explanation that I have put on "shadow people".

    There are some that say & have experienced evil entities & others state they are not.

    I would guess that it would depend on the type of shadow person.

  3. the common belief is that shadow people are demonic for the most part. I have not heard or read anything to the contrary. I have only seen this type of phenomena, and that was on an episode  of TAPS. Personally, If you have a spirit thats seems to be pacing you and measuring you up, I would watch myself. Most spirit activity is not that openly forthright! I would make sure this is a spirit and not a real person! It was not long ago where a pregnant newspaper route woman was murdered so my advice is make awfully darned certain. Do not be a creature of habit, change the timing and the direction of your route so as to not be able to be predictable. Make sure you can have someone along with you so your not alone on your route. see if this changes anything. Either way, human or spiritual, protect yourself, protect yourself, and finally, protect yourself!!!

    last paragraph

    read the part of people being chased, menaced, and attacked by them and demonic in nature


    my own personal experience was not a warm fuzzy good time. It was life threatening and very dangerous.

  4. Oh by all means, communicate with it.  In fact, go one further and record it on tape or film.

  5. If what you are seeing is all black, then its probably a shadow person. If it has color to it, then it is not.

    The shadow man or shadow person phenomena is really spooky when you first see them. They are dark shadow like figures often seen walking down hallways indoors, in broad daylight. They are often seen head on, which contradicts many theorys about them being only seen in periferal vision, or that they are just a trick of light and shadow.

    Its my belief that the shadow man phenomena is something produced by an individuals own brain under certain circumstances. Perhaps the dream mechanism is temporarily triggered while the person is awake. This could cause a common phenomena such as seeing a shadowy person walking. Similar to the way sleep paralysis creates a shadowy figure sitting on ones chest.

  6. Shadow people are most likely "Midwayers". They are not bad or evil, but they do have emotions and sometimes people think they are evil or demonic even when they are not.

    Talk to him. Ask him what's up? Don't be afraid. They are sensitive to fear; if you are afraid, he'll likely be overly sensitive to that and not talk with you - he doesn't want you to be afraid.

    Midwayers - read about them at the url below:

  7. My experiances with "shadow people" have never been bad. It's either what is know as a reoccuring haunting, a spirit that is just repeating it's actions from it's life. Or, since your description seems to show it has free will , it could very well just be a guardian.   Trying to commuicate is the next step....but I am no expert on the matter, try doing some internet research on this phenomenon as well as the area you are seeing it in. Good Luck.

  8. honestly i do not know for fact, but i would think they are like spirits, good and bad depending on the situations of it's last breath and what was happening then, and if it wasnt ever human....then i to someone who can see ghosts and have all their lives...they would be used to all forms.

  9. I've had my runins with shadow people and They all were tame. Where, nuff, did you get info they were demonic? What I read up on it, they didn't know what they were. Except maybe someone from another dimension, filtering through to our dimension.

  10. It is probably a residual haunting, since it is always seen in the same place doing the same thing.  I don't believe it would be demonic...but don't go near it, whatever you do.  Also, ask someone to come along with you on your route, and see if they also see the shadow man.  Try to take a picture or video tape it.  It may be looking in your direction, but may not even know you are there.  At any rate, stay alert.

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