
About surfing (for beginners)?

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i've grown up going to the beach every summer & the ocean's my favorite part. usually when i go,i kinda just float around in the water. but i've become interested in surfing (instead of just floating,ya know?) anything i should know before i start taking lessons? (or Should i take lessons at all?) any tips would be greatly appreciated (:




  1. Rent a long board like 8 to 9 ft. take one of your friends out and try to catch some of the white water after the wave crashes. Then get lessons, it is always good to know how to paddle and kinda catch a wave. Look on websites for how to get up and ride. Then practice this technique on the beach on the board before you go for your lesson. I would wear a rash guard when you lay on the board because i get a rash literally from the board wax because my chest rubs it when i paddle.

  2. yes do the lessons well worth it as its not as easy as it looks

  3. get of ur fat *** an have a go

  4. Surfing is easier if you have good balance and cordination. I picked up surfing at age 34 in Massachusetts, after a year I was giving lessons. My advice to you is, buy a Bic natural surfboard, yes bic the pen company, most shops sell them and they last forever and are cheaper and great to learn on. Go play with it and before you know it, you are surfing and having a blast.

  5. you should deff. start taking lessons! surfing is amazing!

    but yes when you first start get a longboard. much easier than short board.

    have funn!

  6. when you first learn how to surf begin on a long board. they're easier to work with... you can go out on your own if you want...but i think its better to take classes they can teach you so much more than going out by yourself!


  7. I disagree with the first answer as longboarding is different than surfing shortboards.

    if you want to surf with shortboards you should start by buying an 'egg' or an evolutive, wich is easy to paddle and for the take off.

    Also you should take some lessons to learn the basis.

    Then go surfing as often as you can, it s better to go with some friends as you will enjoy more. Don t hesitate to speak to other surfers (often really friendly ;-) ) they will give you some advices.

    Finally before going surfing check out the spot don t over estimate you. Ask other surfers if they just come out of the water to know how the waves were, sometimes it looks small but can be really powerful.

    As a training swimming is good.

    So hope this help

    Have fun and see you in few years for the Pipe Master ;-)

    Good luck

  8. I go to the beach every summer, too, and my favorite part is the sand!!

    You should take lessons at a surf camp.  Unfortunately, every major beach has several running all summer long.  It's a great way to meet friends, understand the waves, learn respect for the ocean, and clog up the line up... i mean, learn to surf.  Good luck and have fun!!

  9. go for it, good luck

  10. Excellent Good for you wanting to surf. Heres what ya gotta do. Get a friend who knows how to surf or a trusted surf teacher who isnt just trying to take your money. Rent a board at a local surf shop and have your friend teach you the basics. If you go to the gym start doing some weights for your upper body to get strenghthened. Anyways just have at it. Make sure you get a long board (9ft) they are the perfect beginner boards. If your not really used to working out the first week is painful for your chest and arms because your muscles are getting used to the exercise but it is worth it. Also you WILL FALL accept it embrace it lol. Rock on surfer girl youll love it.

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