
About switching computer off?

by  |  earlier

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I will speaking to a group of high school student on the impact the computer industry on global warming,

and what they can do to remedy the problem.

One of the points is switching off computer when it is not use.

Can someone helps elaborate this point that will make the high school student interested?




  1. Maybe this link will help?

  2. They say stand-by on electronic also adds tons to the CO2 emissions - turn TVs and Hi-Fi's of at night... or at least during extended periods away from the home. Also, if they NEED to keep the PC on... off the monitor! Light-bulbs... change to energy savers... cheapest and easiest thing! Also, if you live in London and the class is teenagers nearing the driving age - tell them about the governments plans to tax the living day-lights out of high emission cars and also the £25 daily Congestion Charge for the city (even if you live there - the exemption will be scrapped for high-emission cars).

  3. be sure to tell the kids that global warming is a hoax. how dare you take a phony political issue to my kids?  you need to indoctrinate them young so they believe your phony cause. i am offended by this behavior.your arguement is so weak that you have to indoctrinate children in to your way of believing.  i am also sure you use the gore/turner scare tactics as well. how many of the kids do you plan to keep up nights with your phony baloney?

  4. You wish to scare kids away from the very resource you're currently using, and you fail to see the hypocrisy in that?  A clothesline will conserve more energy in a year than a lifetime of this computer power non-sense.

  5. Create a list of other things they could do instead that is just as fun but would save energy...... Myspace Mobile...Facebook Mobile...

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