
About the Georgia -- Russia conflict

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So Russian war planes have bombed cities. Are these cities in Georgia? What cities are these that have been bombed? is South Ossetia being bombed?

There's Russian citizens in South Ossetia are they Russians also bombing their own citizens?




  1. Russia ia bombing area in Georgia mostly, not S. Ossetia because most of them there are loyal to Russia.  Almost everyone of Russia's attacks however has been against a military installation

    Also Jurij-EU is throwing a bunch of c**p into the mix. The US did NOT start this war and don't really have much to do about it. It's border skirmishes that have happens between all 3 area's and it's been going on since the battle in 1992.  It's happened all the time. It's not anything close to a genocide going on there. BOTH sides have killed peacekeepers in the area, not just the Georgians. Be careful what you believe from this person, it is nothing more then anti-American propaganda and is trying to sell them self as knowledgable when they are from the Ukraine, have no borders with Georgia, and were once a part of Russia in the Soviet Union.

  2. Putin says dozens were killed initially, news sources say 1500.

    Either Putin's lying, or the media is, which is it?  He wouldn't be in the region if they feared aggression from Georgia either.

    Also, the bombings have been in Poti and Gori primarily.  What's wrong with bombing apartment buildings?

  3. hope the U.S. doesn't get involved in this c**p

  4. Georgia – aggressor! Georgia at the beginning of the war. CNN, BBC - lie. Night Georgian soldiers killed 2 000 peaceful sleeping residents. Saakashvili - a war criminal! Do not believe CNN and BBC.  Russia does not want war. Russia defends women and children S. Ossetia! Tell the truth all people!

  5. According to Reuters, Russia has bombed military installations in Georgian town of Gori (Stalin’s birthplace), but one bomb apparently missed the target and hit an apartment complex. Russia also bombed several military bases where Georgian troops were supposed to be gathered before being sent to Ossetia. These were the raids into Georgia proper. As for the break-away South Ossetia (legally belongs to Georgia too), it was annihilated by Georgian raid at the start of conflict. The bombing and shelling of its capital, was done by Georgians. Many inhabitants of South Ossetia are Russian citizens. There were also Russian troops deployed as a part of the peace-keeping agreement to keep Georgians and Ossetians off each others necks. Those Russians were also hit by Georgian fire. The Georgian attack gave Russian an excuse to intervene,  claiming both the peacekeeping mandate, the obligation to protect its citizens, and the need to prevent a humanitarian catastrophe in Ossetia (no water, food, or electricity, no medical or Red Cross access, etc.)

    The short answer is that Russia does not bomb its own citizens, it claims to protect them.

  6. its a break away territory. thats why georgia wants it back.

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