
About the Holocaust vs Slavery?

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it is interesting that you mentioned the Jews being enslave, but if you look at history they were more like imprisoned not enslaved. the Jewish people were placed in concentration camps and tortured yet the could still draws from one another's strengths, where as when the africans were enslaved they could not gather nor could the draw on one another's strengths, oh, here is another little known history fact, the United States came to the rescue oe the Jewish, while African Americans are still wait to be rescued.


any opinions of this???

i was NOT the one who said this... i need some input though

I know it's not about which is worse but what this person said disturbs me and i need some insight




  1. These two historical facts and atrocities are not the same thing. You cannot weigh them on a scale and expect to get a heavier one. These very SEPARATE and DIFFERENT events happened to different people in different places at different times. Both Horrible and sickening. I am a black woman and I identify with slavery history and whatnot., I do not discount what the Jewish people went through though. Two different things. It is like apples and oranges.

  2. The jews are where they are now because of the catholic church banning gentiles from money based jobs

  3. "...YOU mentioned.."  Who mentioned?

    You're talking apples and onions.  The Holocaust victims (not ALL were Jewish by the way...didn't know that, did you.) were singled our for EXTERMINATION.  Africans were singled out for LABOR.  But I guess that escaped your notice.  Not surprised.

    "African-Americans are still waiting to be rescued?"  Rescued from what?  The poorest black in American (I can't stand that hyphenated American nonsense) is 10 times better off than any average African and a black child in America has 100 times better chance of seeing adulthood.  So, what are American blacks waiting to be rescued from?

    You won't answer, people like you never do.  MY email is open.

  4. I think it is highly rude and disrespectful to compare two major different atrocities. I'm just saying in general...this wasn't directed to you.

    Keyword: different

  5. History should be exactly where it the past.  I'm tired of people in general using their history to justify society today.

  6. yeah because when you're lined up to be shot or gassed standing next to your family and praying together for your last few seconds of life makes all the difference.

    it's quite obvious the person who made that statement has only a 3rd grade text book's worth of knowledge on the Holocaust.

  7. I wish people would stop it.  They were both horrible.

  8. why does it disturb you? is it because in a round about way the person is saying that black people had it worse... what about it disturbs you and why

  9. Yeah its true

    The USA waged war with Germany and Japan while black people, citizens of the USA were waging in a war to be treated equal in their own country civil rights movements. What was the difference between Jim Crows and some of n***s ideas. You reached the moon only three years after your laws recognized ethnic minorities as humans.

    But it is bad to compare both were bad in their own way but the USA were being hypocrites and by far have a worser history than Germany or most countries in the world

  10. My first thought was to type a long winded history lesson but I forgot the forum. My second thought was to discuss how one group recieved an entire nation and one didn't get 40 acres and a mule, but I decided against it. I agree wholeheartedly that they are two very different unfortunate circumstances.

    It is very interesting that when you watch TV therapist they tell us we must deal with our issues and that we can't move forward until we deal with our past, and we shouldn't just sweep our feelings about the past under the rug. I listen to folks who watch those shows and most everyone agrees with the therapist that we should talk about our past and confront those who did us wrong. My point is whenever the mention of slavery is spoken I hear, its "The past is the past" or "Let it go". Please let us do our Dr. Phil thing...Please let us talk...Please

    Don't put the Holocaust up against Slavery, because it becomes very difficult to compare misery.

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