
About the bats that keep getting in my apt. and hallways?

by  |  earlier

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Bats are in my attic and maybe walls. I live in an apt. I'm scared to death of these nasty creatures. They get in my hallway and even my apt. so I tape my door shut at night. It took me an hour and a half to get the thing out the window and to stop flying crazily around my 57ft loft and around me. What can I do to get it out the window faster and away from me?




  1. Wow.  I'm not sure of a more effective way to get the bat out.  I definitely would call both your landlord, AND the health department for your county.  Bat f***s can cause a host of diseases and illnesses, even by just breathing in the dust it creates.

    Good luck!

  2. Try this site:

    These other educational websites may also be of some use...

    Bat World Sanctuary has been on the front line of activism to end the abuse and destruction of bats. They have been recognized as the world leader in bat rehabilitation for the past decade.

    BCI's mission is to teach people the value of bats, to protect and conserve critical bat habitats, and to advance scientific knowledge through research. All this while using a win-win beneficial solution that will benefit both bats and people. We invite you to explore our comprehensive website and learn more about these unique animals and why we need to protect them.

    The Organization for Bat Conservation is a non-profit organization. Our mission is to preserve bats and their habitats through education, collaboration, and research.

  3. Bats are not nasty creatures..they are actually VERY important to the ecosystem as pest control and pollinators.  Without bats we would not have many of the fruits and vegetables we eat.  If you live in an apt is your landlords responsibility to have an expert come and find out where the bats are getting in, and to block off the entrance.  Bats can be HUMANELY removed..they should not be harmed in any way, and harming them is illegal, especially if they are a declining or endangered species.  Also, less than 1% or all bats have it is not as common as most people believe.  As far a would have to be a whole LOT of guano to be dangerous!  Look here for humane ways to remove bats...give this info to your landlord if necessary:

  4. BATS?!!! HOLY GUANA!! Those things carry rabies!!! i would be freaking out...i would call your local health dept...if one of those things were to scratch or bite you, you would HAVE to have rabies treatments as it is 100 percent fatal disease if you wait for the symptom to show up...and lots of bats carry rabies...sorry, not meaning to freak you out, but i was just thinking about those nasty things tonight after reading up about rabies on wikipedia...

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