
About the book Twilight by Stephenie Myer....?

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What is the book about? I want to know everything about it! Tell me! Please please please please PLEASE TELL ME! Tell me everything about it!!!




  1. You're kind of bossy.

    It's about a girl name Isabella Swan who only likes to be called Bella (goes seriously pissy when people call her by her full name for some reason) She moves to a town in Washington called Forks that's almost perpetually cloudy. While there she becomes something of a novelty at her new high school-apparently they like the pale skin, dark hair look in Washington. She catches the nostrils of this vampire named Edward Cullen. At first he nearly kills her and everyone in their class because the scent of her blood is so enticing. He manages to restrain himself and they go through a weird "relationship" where she obsesses over him and he alternates being rude and kind to her as he struggles with the temptation her blood, and later she herself give him.

    They end up (predictably) falling for each other but face many problems being together-not the least of which is his being a vampire. Bella also happens to be a magnet for trouble and end up getting targeted by 3 other vampires clans, 2 of which continue on as threats in two of the three books after twilight.  

    Book one ends on a happy note, book two does also, book three does also, and since book four is still fairly new I wont say anything about it.

    If you're into those teen romances that you know are bad but you just can't help enjoying them then you'll like Meyer's books.

    I consider myself a very picky reader and have read a lot of material from extremely talented authors (though I tend to focus on authors who aren't publishing books for shelves) so I know a good book when I read one. Going from that I would say Meyer's book wasn't good. But, I enjoyed them very much. The character's frustrated me to know end, and I found myself yelling at the book a lot and debating the merits of throwing it into the wall.

    In other words, the story engaged me. The characters pulled my unwilling self in and kept me through all four books. It's not worthy of any Pulitzer prizes, certainly, but few who have read it all the way through can say it isn't engaging. A good story can make you hate the characters for their flaws; a bad story makes you hate the book period. Stephenie's books are good. They're great for those boring rainy days, or even the nice days, as well as for those long road trips.

    I'd suggest it to anyone who is a romantic at heart.

  2. Okay, ready?  So it's about this girl whose irresponsible and child-like mother abandons her for a minor-league baseball player who is ten years younger then her.  Said girl then goes to live with her cop father in a town in the middle of nowhere in Washington.  She basically takes care of him.  The suddenly, she goes to school, and even though she was considered ugly in her old school, she is apparently gorgeous in Washington.  She continues to be self-sufficient until she meets this boy who appears to hate her.  Naturally, she falls deeply "in love" with him because he is gorgeous (because who doesn't want a guy who hates you, right?).  SURPRISE! The aforementioned boy just happens to be a vampire who wants to suck her blood!  She becomes totally dependent on him and ceases to be able to think, act, or take care of herself.  He is very stalkerish and creepily controlling, going as far as to slash her tires to make sure she doesn't go anywhere, but she doesn't seem to mind, because she still "loves" him.  Somehow, he ends up "in love" with her too, and they go all gushy love scene.  Then some random other vampires decide they would like to kill her, so they try, and of course fail, because if they succeeded that would be several million dollars down the drain now wouldn't it- no opportunity for a sequel, which she decided to make three of.  

    My point is, they're horrible books with a bad message, don't bother.

    And it's M-e-y-e-r, not myer or meyers.

  3. It's about a girl who falls in love with a vampire, & vice versa.  The main conflict is basically that the relationship can never work, because these "good" vampires who are trying not to kill people cannot be involved directly with humans.  But they fall deeply in love & in each of the books, there is a different conflict.

    It's not a series you'd want to read for educational purposes but if you're just looking for a book to keep you entertained for the rest of the summer, I recommend it.  It's fun to read, & Stephenie Meyer isn't the most professional writer in the world, but she has a very unique writing style.

  4. It's a Vampire Werewolf love story! IT IS SO GOOD!

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