
About the championship match at unforgiven?

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5 men 20 mins

the champion at the end wins

anyone can pin anyone

so does that mean if kane wins gets 5 pinfalls his 5 time champ or is just the one in the end




  1. every time somone gets a pin fall the person got the who got the pin is the champuntill the next person get the pin

  2. Ok...  since everyone else's answers were confusing as h**l, I'll try to clear this up.

    Whomever the last pinfall is at the end of 20 mins, is recognized as champion.  Meaning, though the championship changes hands during the match, it's whomever gets the last pinfall/submission that is recognized as a champion.

    Therefore:  Let's say JBL pins Kane, then Kane pins John Cena, Then JBL pins Punk, then Cena pins JBL, then Batista also pins JBL, but in the confusion, Punk pins JBL at the end, the match is considered a successful title defense.  None of the title switches will be considered "canon" in the WWE World Heavyweight Title history.

    Let's take the same scenario, but instead of Punk pinning JBL at the end...  Batista catches him and makes the save at the last moment, causing Batista to become champ.  Batista wins the championship, and none of the title switches are part of the history.

    So if Kane pins 5 people, it doesn't matter, as long as the last person he pinned is the last pinfall of the match.

  3. It will be a d**n good match and i will love to see Punk retains the title . i hate to say this but i think Batista or Cena is going to win this match.

  4. no just one

  5. just the one at the end. but it will be hard a difficult to accomplish.

  6. I thought the same thing last night.  Who knows? I'm glad Kane is getting a chance again.  I will be forever pissed if they give it back to CENA!

  7. No. Only the champion after the 20 minutes would be recognized as the Champion. Any changes during the match would not be recognized as a championship reign.

  8. yes your right, say if cm punk wins, and gets 3 pinfalls after losing it 3 times he would be a 4 time WHC, but cm punk wont be winning so dont worry

  9. DING DING...The bell rings...

    The match begins....after 5 mins....JBL pins Punk after a clothsline from his b***s....Then he gets the title..cena gives JBL an FU and Cena gets the title....Batista Give kane a Spear and Batista gets the title...Punk Gives Kane a GTS...Punk gets the title...Chokeslam by kane...Kane gets the title....FU by cena...Cena gets the title...20 Mins are over....

                           The Boring g*y Era Has Reborn!

  10. Just one in the end.

  11. kane will win.

  12. no. if kane pins someone, he's the champ. it doesn't matter if he pins anyone while still champ. however, if he gets pinned and kane pins someone else, he is 2 time champ. whoever is champ at 20 min will remain champ.


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