
About the dinosaur?

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Dear Yahoo, scientist say that dinosaur walk on earth millions of years ago but the GENESIS tell a different story that the dinosaur walk the earth about 6,000-10,000 years ago with human so who is more turthful scientist or the Bible.....YOUR PAL JERRY




  1. the scientists have physical evidence.

  2. Scientist.

  3. Fish Dino App Man that will be 22.50 find Me At WW . Evil. Com. PPS Buy a Fruit Basket.

  4. I listen to a minister and a very religious person. "Is the bible taken literally?" was answered with "It's divinely inspired but written by man,"

    OK, so the bible is 100% accurate except when there are errors. Then the error is the fault of the person writing.

    Point out an error to a scientist and he's obligated to go back and correct it. He won't like it (we're human like that) but will do so.

    So you have the bible saying earth was created on October 23, 4004 BC. (Archbishop Usher) Where's the outside evidence? There's the Koran, Torah and hundred of other creation narratives. Strangely you don't hear similar patter from those religions, Why is it only the bible that's got a problem?

    Oh, scientists. They go out and look, and then, based on the facts, develop and explanation

  5. stick to science(=to know)

  6. NEITHER!!!

    Both are likely wrong on specific details, but the diffrence is science questions itself and reformulates new answers as evidence changes.

    When i was a kid T-rex stood tall and clumped around , now its believed to race 30+mph whithits head down and tail up and act like a giant osterich or emu.

  7. I found this site with TONS of articles on creation and stuff.  I love it.  Whether or not you believe in the Bible, you might find their articles pretty interesting.  Here's a link to a bunch of stuff on dinosaurs:

    I hope this helps.  :o)
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