
About the keysi fighting method?

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Is it an effective style?

Is it easy to learn by yourself?

How do you defend against knees once you're up so close?




  1. If you actually intend to get in fights and win,, go with a techinique that involves lots of ground routines,, aka high school wrestling.  Seriously how many 'real' fights have you seen where they stay standing.  Don't waste your time, unless you are just into it for dramatic purpose.

  2. I have checked it out since the first time you posted about it here and it reminded me of jailhouse fighting that some thugs were trying to pass off as legit back in the day.

    It is ridiculously expensive to learn. If it was something REALLY proven, it might be worth looking into.

    One thing - it looks better than krap maga!

  3. Dont know much about it. I just wanted to say that unless you already have extensive training in martial arts, it is very difficult to learn properly from video's. You really need a qualified instructor to correct the mistakes you are going to make, and you also need live partners to train with.

    just my opinion

  4. Hey,

    Keysi Fighting Method (KFM) is a very cool and functional style. (From my experience, which is quite limited. I've seen "The Matrix" a couple of times and a lot of Jet Li movies ^^)

    Anyway, I'm now training KFM here in Norway. And first off all, you can not train Keysi without someone helping you! You can do some "shadow-boxing", but that's just when you're alone. To learn new moves, you have to have an instructor who demonstrates it a couple of times, explains it and then you practice on a person.

    I'm quite new to the training and have just been at a few trainings, so I can't really compare it to other styles or start to say that it's so much better.

    In Keysi we always train to think that there might be other opponents (if you get in a fight with a dude, his friends will probably try to help him ;) ). And here lie on of the strengths of Keysi, The Pensador or Thinking Man. It's basically that you have you hands on your head and move them around to avoid a punch or something.

    Keysi is more about instinct and reactions then techniques and "rehearsed moves". May sound a bit weird, just me expalning weird. Check out a couple of the promovideos that you find on YouTube, and this one where they explain why they used this for the new Batman movies.

    Got any questions? Try to send me a message or to the official website,

    PS: I signed up just to write this ^^

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