
About the movie Private Lessons...?

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it was a 1981 movie about a maid who has an affair with a 15 year old boy. i just finished watching it. there are multiple scenes in the movie where they have s*x. it doesn't show the s*x, but it shows the woman fully nude and it shows them caressing each other and stuff. and the actor looks REALLY young. he doesn't look older than 15. the women is probably in her 30s or so.

first of all, are they allowed to do that? have a 15 year old woman making that sexual contact with a grown woman?

secondly, in the movie, the woman and the boy are the protagonists. and she is actually the one who comes onto him. in the end, he helps her get away with it and starts dating his teacher. basically, the message i got from the movie was, "it's good for older women to have s*x with 15 year old boys". did this represent society's attitude at the time?




  1. The actor playing the boy, Philip, is called Eric Brown, and he was 17 in 1981. I'm pretty sure it would be legal for an actor of that age to be shown in mildly erotic scenes with his or her parents' consent.

    Well, you know, I think it probably WAS a bit more relaxed in the 1980s before people developed this unhealthy obsession with pedophilia.

    But even at that time, it was definitely not considered normal or okay for adults and teens to have s*x together. Not where I lived, anyway.

    The movie is a comedy, and you are meant to be laughing at it; the difference is that in the 80s we could laugh about stuff like that. (Similar to Oscar-winning "Amacorda" in 1973, which also has erotic scenes between mature women and teen boys).

  2. People say it can be psychologically damaging for the boy to be in that situation or whatever.

    But hey, if they both know what their doing and he understands the situation and the consequences should the relationship be discovered but still wishes to continue the romance anyway, then good for him. It should be of no one else's concern what two people decide to do.

  3. You have a morbidly unhealthy obsession with "15 year old boys having s*x with older women". It's not normal, it's a magnification and it dominates you.

    Understand this: the number of women dating/having s*x with 15 year old boys is considerably less than women dating men their own age or older. This is your fantasy.

  4. yeah i think so, when i was 15 and out with a 25 year old women she made no effort to conceal the relationship

    if its the other way round , QUICK CALL THE POLICE!

  5. The woman who provided the young boy in the movie with private lessons is Sylvia Kristel, who was most famous for appearing in the early 1970s soft-core p**n film "Emmanuelle" and its sequels.

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