
About the psp?

by  |  earlier

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how much music does this psp hold?

is the speaker loud?

could i immediately have internet connection without password or anything like that on the internet browser?

what games should i get since im turning 14 and ima girl???here are my hobbies if u need that



-drawing stuff

-creating stuff




  1. 1.  Depends on the size of your memory card and the quality of the MP3 you're listening.

    2. Loud enough.  But you'll still appreciate headphones more than the built in speakers.

    3.  Yes, unless the connection you're going to use has it's security option enabled, in that case no.

    4.  There's quite a lot of games available.  head to for a few

    5. The PSP has Skype now, but you need a compatible headset to use it.

  2. It all depends on your memory card size! I'd say anygame Go to Gamestop and get cheep games....Um internet you have to have a wireless connection without a password

  3. The psp does not hold anything by itself, you need a memory card. And yes you can go on PSP AIM :) And you can go on the internet right away if you have wireless :)
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