
About the question from the father shaking his kid....?

by Guest33044  |  earlier

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I just saw a question about a man saying his baby wouldn't stop crying and he was asking if he could shake him up more or can smack him harder. I know we all get mad and some might be more skeptikal and wont believe the question is real. But...what if this is a real question??...and you all keep reporting him and don't give him the advice he needs??

If someone I have learned from this YA is that there is a lot of kind of people here, some crazy and some with honest and sincere questions.

WHY NOT GIVE HIM A REAL ADVICE instead of jumping right on judgement? please people...I'm here it possible that this question might be real? may be not...but I sure don't want to turn my back and say "Oh, well...may be is not" because I can promise you...the "what if" will be there always.




  1. well, you see, a lot of people are intolerant of child abuse. it seems to me that if it was a sincere question and he was having a hard time with his child and wanted advice, the question would have been different. it may have been "what to do with screaming baby?" or "advice for stressed out dad?" or something like that. but "how hard can i shake my baby?", that's an absolutely unacceptable question, and my bet is the person asking is some bored a*****e who likes to get people wound up. i didn't report the question. when i clicked it it had been deleted. but i can't say i blame the people who did report it.

  2. Because he's a habitual troll on here.  He does it every day, asking dumb questions to just get everyone riled up.

  3. yeah we learned about this in health. it can cause brain damage because there is still al ot of space between its brain and its skull so it can get crushed if you shake the baby. this is also becuase the baby's spine and vertebrae are not fully developed either, so the baby can really easily be killed.

  4. It is quite interesting really, the double standards surrounding this topic.  

    NOTE:  I am NOT talking about this particular guy, i don't know him, but from what Johnnys Mommy says he is a troll, and I believe her.

    About a year ago a man asked a question relating to the same thing, shaking his baby.  he was inundated by women telling him to "man up" and "take care of his business" without being "wimp."

    I waited a week and asked the exact same question again, with a female avatar, i received words of encouragement, and was told that there was nothing wrong with letting my baby cry in his crib for a few moments so that I could calm down.  I was told that I was a good mom, and I was doing the right thing.  Not once was I told to "man up" and deal with it without being a "wimp."

    Double standards are prevalent, even in those who don't realize they are doing it.  Those are the ones we need to worry about.

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