
About the west nile shot for horses?

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There has been an outbreak of the virus close to our barn.Our vet says vaccinate.Which I have been doing.Some people tell me the shot don't protect them.Please tell me they do.




  1. no of course they do. just keep them healthy and vaccinated. use lots of insect reppellent and fly spray. the whole POINT of the vaccination is so they dont get it. whoever told you that are idiots. dont listen to them. sleep easy now, your horses will be safe

  2. It is true, the vaccines are not 100% effective in preventing the disease.  We vaccinate to help prevent and hope that it does, but it does not always work in our favour.  They are still working on perfecting the vaccine.  It is usually the weaker horses, the very young, older and ones that may be run down due to other illnesses that are really at risk.  Just do what you can to prevent such a thing happening to your horse, but like most things in life, it is a big gamble.  

  3. no vaccine in 100% effective. Most due to human error, lasp in boosters, or annual checks. but the shot itself is highly effective. My barn got the one of the first 7 causes known in the US. The horse but put down and butchered on premiss which left a huge safety concearn. luckily no other horses got it. But when the vaccine was available we got it. Since we have had many close encounters due to our climate but none of our vaccinated animals have ever fell to W. Nile.If other people at you barn are not protecting their horses LEAVE THE BARN ASAP! I have had people say this and behold! there horse is now dead.

    the vaccine also only protects the strain(s) of W. Nile so if the virus has morphed, which they do millions of times!, he can be infected. Luckily these altered strains can be fought off or the vaccine effects them as well and thus the virus dies.

    Virus cells can shed off of a live or dead animal for over half a year before truely dead. so do a complete clean out and sanitation if any of the barn's residances, items, horses, etc. came to you.

    for the $25 shot, isn't your horse worth the protection. Get it, let other people kill their horses but not yours. I vet my own because im educated on how to, but have the vet come, the shot is more like a series, as you know, and make the shots as 'on the mark' as possible. also besure dosing is correct and 100% of the vaccine gets in the horse.

    good luck

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