
About to go on my 9 hour shift on a till at a supermarket...HOW WILL I SURVIVE?

by  |  earlier

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Please, someone give me a little inspiration because right now i want to cry and cry and just go to sleep and curl up in a ball and really not have to go to such a s***y job doing things which are so boring over and over again, pretending to smile ALL THE TIME. Please someone inspire me !! How do you cope





  1. i feel your pain!! i just got home from work, and i have to go back in six hours for another 12 hour day! dealing with s****. customers! i just look at it this way, at least i have a job and make money. just realize there are people constantly in search for jobs and we are lucky to have one!! especially with the job market these days! cheer up buddy =] hope this helps..haha

  2. I've done cashiering at two different stores now, and it's never fun. Try and find yourself little victories. Anytime somebody's credit card is declined and they have to leave all their stuff.. Usually I would feel bad for them, but when I'm running the register I do a little inward cheer. Sing songs in your head, etc. Hope it won't be busy, and just try to make it through.

  3. *hugs* I always make sure I'm super nice to my check out people because I cant imagine doing what you do. And this is coming from someone who spent 4 years at a daycare.  

  4. Play games in your head.  Make up silly stories to yourself about what the person in front of you is really going to do with that cat food and coke.  Ponder are they an ax-murderer by day?  A prostitue by night?  

    Or ask them random questions.  What was the last movie you saw?  What are you going to cook with that chicken breast?  

    Or set yourself little challenges.  Write down how many people you think will buy a bunch of bananas or a frozen chicken and then count how many come through.

    Probably boring suggestions, but the best way to get through a boring job is to let your grip on the reality slip a little bit and go into imagination land!

  5. pull some office space inspired sh*t

    oh yeah grab some of the food the customer brings up with their smug attitude and open one of their items and eat it

    when your manager flips out and tells you to go get them a replacement leave to the parking lot and pee in their gas tank

  6. I was in the same situation...  :(

    I researched some advice and I was directed to

    Try it free,


  7. daydream about your perfect job : )

  8. i used to do 12 hour shifts on a hotel front desk it is not as long as you think. i would bring something to do on your down time to keep your mind active. that is how i always got through it i did hundreds of sudoku and word puzzles.

  9. Adelle,

    Don't panic!!! Look, you can't change right this moment, making yourself nerveous will not get you anywhere you'll just become more distructed and sad. What you can do in a mean time is find a solution. Do something so that u don't have to work nights. I don't know your situation, but you mght want to consider looking for another job. Just please be calm and don't be sad. Always tell urself that ''it will not be like that forever, one day it will change, it is temporary''.

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