
About to go to my first rugby practice never played before any important tips i should know??

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About to go to my first rugby practice never played before any important tips i should know??




  1. 1. expect bruising. heavy bruising.

    2. don't be ashamed if they call you a "hooker".

    3. building upon that, all of the terminology will probably fly over your head for the first couple of days. its ok to ask!! you'll probably hear words you've never even heard of-- ie: "scrum"

    4. being the victim of a tackle for the first time is terrifying-- cover your head. think fetal position.

    5. actually tackling someone for the first time is AMAZING. have no mercy....but do hit low.

    6. and oh dear god learn the songs before initiation.. i've seen some awfully embarassing things happen to both guys in dresses and girls in dresses for not knowing the songs.

  2. Mate, Catch the ball, pass the ball, support your team mate, that is how to play rugby, pretty simple game unless you are coached by Graham Henry

  3. when you do they have you lift up dumb bells and make run back.if you run forward and back 2 times thats teacher did it.and he said it was not fun oh and when you lift up dumb bells 2 times thats one YOU HEAR ME ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!they give you for the dumb bells 20 of them20!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Watch, listen and learn!

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