
About to have a kid at the age of 16 need help?

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about to have a kid at the age of 16 need help i am not ready what should i do i really need help like as soon as passable so guys or girls help me out on what i should do




  1. yes you do need help.. a lot of it... but no one here can help, this is al on YOU!!

  2. Regardless of your age you should always :

    a. love the child and the other parent as much as possible

    b. be a role-model for your child, you can not forbid what it is seeing at you, e.g quit smoking, don't sleep around, don't be a jerk in general.

    c. be a responsible parent

    d. family comes first, then buddies.

    e. If you don't have the education, try to get some, and if you don't manage have a job that is respectful, as in don't do illegal stuff.

    Know that women go through some hormonal ups and downs so you will need to put up with her swing moods.

    Don't let the rest intimidate you, i know plenty of people who had been married or had kids at a young age, the youngest age of a woman having a child was 14, she got married the same year.

    Today she is still with her husband, they have 3 childern and 2 grandchildren.

    Responsibility doesn't come with age. It comes with maturity.

  3. Find support.  Don't be a lone ranger.


    your parents,

    her parents,

    any other relatives,

    local churchs,


    It's happened in my family.  

  4. lol smart

    only you know how to take care of YOUR child.

    Good luck =P  

  5. try to find a foster mother if you dont feel responsible enough to raise the baby

  6. Read lots of daddy to be books. The Expectant Father is good. If you don't have that much time. Talk to your own dad or a person you look at as a father figure. You're young, so don't expect to know it all right away. But as long as you keep trying to be the best and you support the mother (emotionally and physically, not financially if you can't) you'll be fine. The fact that you're asking for advice is a good sign that you want to do a good job!! Once the baby's here, I'm sure it'll feel more natural! Good luck.

  7. give your child up to someone you no will take care love and be there for your child

  8. Start putting money away now. Buy diapers each time you go to the store and be a great dad! YOu already did too much by having s*x, just be a good dad - GL!

  9. Well Sean, have you talked to her about adoption? If you are not ready let her know this. Maybe if she knows how you feel she may consider it. In the future....use protection. Just because she is carrying the proof that does not make you any less pregnant.

  10. one word- adopt

    My parents were 16 when they had me, and they put me up for adoption. Lucky for me, I was picked by a great family with a great home and values. I still wonder about them, and I can find out who they are when I turn 18, but for now, I'm just glad I am in a supporting home. They understood that they couldnt raise a kid at their age, so they did the right thing. I suggest you do the same.

  11. Do the best you can.  If you can only do so much financially, just be there physically and emotionally for the mom.  It will be easier than you realize.  Becoming a parent is scary, but you are capable.  As long as you always hug, kiss and spend time with that baby, you will be a good dad.  You will find the strength as soon as you lay eyes on your child.

    Mother of three.

  12. You should start saving money or get a job if you dont have one already. Just be there for the kid and dont be an ****** of a parent, I live with one.

  13. beg to go to boarding school...or get a part time job to help the girls family, but dont blow off school

  14. Since it is yur baby,

    none of us can really tell you what to do...

    you just need to follow yur instinct, and listen to the kid as well....

    good luck,... :]

  15. You need to gather your loved ones with you for support first. Then talk with them and get as much information on your options as possible. I was 16 when I got pregnant with  my daughter. I kept her but that was the right decision for me. Keep your head high and dont let what some of these people tell you get you down. You are not stupid you are trying to figure out what to do.  

  16. well i think u should keep it and nit listen to what these people r saying because they dont know what u going through and its your life not there';s

  17. You can't do anything, you should be getting emotional and  family support from your love ones. The final decision will be taken by the mother of the child. Your in for the long ride.

  18. you're screwed

  19. Get a job if planning to keep it.  Or try to find someone who will watch the kid while you are at school so that you don't have to drop out.  My mom had me when she was 17.  My grandma (dads side) watched me.

  20. first give the baby up for adoption.

    the keep ur legs closed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    good luck.

  21. Grow up and act like a father. You took that chance when you had s*x now you need to be resposible and do what you have to do for your baby. I had a baby at 16. I thought I was going to crash and burn and not make it but you know what we did make it. I finished school and I took a job to support my child (3 days after I had her i was working) if you really want to be a father and a good one then you can. Just remember everything you do is going to affect the new little one.

  22. I have always turned to God about my problems and I always get an answer. You just need to sit down with your baby's mother  and talk about your choices. You also need to include her parents and your parents they may help you.  If both sides feel that it is best for you to raise that child then by all means do, but don't force the child on her parents or your parents for  them to raise. If you decide you want to give it up for adoption, there are people who are loving and caring that can't have children and would love to adopt a child. What ever you decide make sure you decide as a joint decision and don't let no one force into something you don't want to do. If you decide to keep the child and raise that child together, maybe you might want to consider parenting classes or maybe a support group for teen parents. go with your heart and what you and the mother think is best.  

  23. Be responsible. Don't run away. Be there for her. Be the best dad you can be.

  24. have you decided to keep the baby. Are you asking for help to get ready for the baby, or if you should keep it or get rid of it.  

  25. It's okay.

    You have to make the decision on what is best for this baby and what is best for you. If you have a mother you should talk to her. Or a sister, or an aunt or a friend. How far along are you? If you are quite far along I would not reccomend abortion. If you're far along enough where the baby is alive then you can always put it up for adoption.

    Please give these numbers a call, they're free and they can help you and they'll be nice and they know what they are talking about:

    Or if you are the father guess what? you still should make the best decision for you and your baby. If the mother wants to keep it be there for that baby. Or if she doesn't then that's also something you should discuss.

    Not to seem negative but are you completely sure that you are the father?

    Talk to your parents.

    Pregnancy Hotline

    1-800-4-OPTIONS (1-800-467-8466)

    Pregnant & Young Hotline (Birthright)

    1-800 550-4900

    Teen Helpline




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