
About to purchase new HD TV and new Receiver - how many HDMI inputs, ideally, does one need?

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About to purchase new HD TV and new Receiver - how many HDMI inputs, ideally, does one need?




  1. 2 in and 1 out is a minimum for a cable box/movie player. If you are gaming you could need more.

  2. I like several on the receiver and only one on the TV. I use the receiver as the central switch.

    1 - HDCable or HDSatellite

    2 - Bluray

    3 - Game machine

    4 - Media Center PC

    Four inputs on the receiver is a minimum requirement in my opinion.

    I'm using a Yamaha RX-V3800 which I'm extremely happy with. Pioneer Elite is good too and so is Marantz. You could even get away with Marantz's lower end, Denon.

    If I was purchasing a new HDTV today, I'd have a good hard look at the new D64 Sharps. They come out of the newly opened Kamayama 2 factory and they are reasonably priced, have great black levels and the fastest processing available!

  3. I generally like to count out how many I need.

    one for Blu-Ray

    One for Gaming System

    One for Cable box or Sattelite

    One for computer

    One for futureproofing

    So probably a minimum of one to two

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