
About to start homeschooling, how does my mom pull me out of public school?

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So my mom is gone to start homeschooling me and we need help. We have found some curriculum to buy online, but we could use more. Preferably, not christian curriculum. Im sorry, im not trying to offend anyone, I go to church. Anyway, how does my mom go about pulling me out of public school? We are going this morning to meet with the attendance lady at the school board. Dont freak out, she has helped out a lot with the homeschooling thing. She even sugested it to my mom because I have a bad attendance record. My mom said after we met with her we would go to the school and she would pull me out. Also, my mom is mailing the letter to the state board of education this morning. Now, my main question is since she is mailing the letter this morning, is she allowed to pull me out of school today? Or does she have to wait until the letter comes back in? Thanks. State of Louisiana!




  1. I would say it would be best to wait, but chances are that they would not 'come after you' if you decide to begin before getting your paperwork.

    I would suggest that you start with the curriculum you have before investing in more.   See how it works for you.  Relax, and keep your eyes open for new interests.  Most new homeschoolers spend more money than necessary on prepackaged curriculum.

    If something doesn't work for you, it is easier to stop and re-route if you have not paid big dollars for your books.

  2. Blondie, Your mom has to report taking you out with in 30 days of of pulling you out. Since your mom sent the letter today you can be pulled out today. You should have a response from Dr Assyene in about 2 weeks and all it is is a letter saying that they received the letter.

    To pull you and your mom go to the office and tell them your going to home school. They sent us around the school to the classes to make sure every thing was cleared turn in books and all that no library fees and no cafeteria fees things like that. and them we went back to the office and that  was pretty much it. If they tell you to go to the school board tell them its unnecessary. You have already done all the requirements necessary. Good Luck from a fellow La home school mom!

  3. It looks like you are fine to be pulled as soon as you file. You have to ask for "approval" within 15 days of starting homeschooling. So actually, she could pull you now and wait 15 days to even ask for approval.  Here is the link to the Homeschool Legal Defense Association blurb on LA law :

    Get ready to be a homeschooler, which means you need to start doing this research yourself and not expecting to be spoon fed anymore!



    Do what the website says for your state.

  5. i am homeschooled and i think that i would wait.  or go to the princapel or school office and tell them that you are about to start homeschooling.  WAY faster that a letter!!! :)



  6. She has to wait. Or they'll call the child welfare services. It is best to wait.

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