my son is 21
i am a single paret of two a 23 daughter n him my 21 year old part time cop (his dream is to be a detective and this is a first step.
well they both live a home go to college and work full time , i started making them pay rent to live home ,300 a month each they maske abot 1200 a month each
well my son has been having a hard time lately n didn't have the money to make a car payment i had it so made it for him
this week his insurance is getting cancelled and i told him i would pay it if he cleaned his nasty room (which i have been asking him to do for months) and clean the closet by the front door he got home tired from work so i orded him some food let him sleep for 4 hours he woke up and wanted to go hang with his freinds was suppose to be back to start in one hour or i told him the deal is off , he never showed till one hour before he was due to go back to work
i then told him if he drivs the car after monday i will call the dealer
this is because if he gets caught driving again with no insurance he wiill have to spend jail time
he also needs this insurance to possible get a much better job on tuesday
so should i pay it anyway to protect him or should i le him sink or swim on his own
my mother wants to pay it and then i pay her back behind his back
tough love isgood but what about when it could lead to harm, am i helping him readly or am i enabling him to continue being rude and disrepectful, which he is alot of the time
ok i answered my own question i don't help him he needs to learn how to be a man , a man of his word and to respect others
this is i think my last job as a parent and i think it will be my hardest
the more he acts out the more i love him motherhood sucks it readly does anyone esle in the world i wouldn't give it a second thought
ok all those who read this and pray pray for me
i need it
be strong
be strong