
About vata problem?

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Hi, I have more vata body symptoms. Please suggest good medicine for me.




  1. Vata body symptoms are not bad.  It depends on which constitution you are at a balanced state.  If you are mainly vata in your balanced state, and mainly vata in your current state, that is a good thing.  If you are in excess of vata, then you need to balance your system by changing your diet.  YOU DO NOT NEED MEDICINE to necessarily equal out your excess or in excess of vata symptoms.  You need to instead change your diet and reduce your vata increasing foods and instead choose foods that moderately increase the other body constitutions such as pitta and kapha.

    Try balancing out your body with this diet.  It will regulate your wastages and then balance out your body.  Do not think that medication is needed.  Ayurveda has been around for thousands of years and believes in the balance of the body, not the medications to treat all our symptoms like western medicine does.  Ayurveda attacks the root cause and rids the body of diseases, it is not just a "quick cover up fix".

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