
About vegetarianism and smoking?

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I used to smoke quite a lot before becoming vegetarian and I was wondering what is my fellow-vegetarians's stand on smoking. Of course this question is aimed at those who (like me) became vegetarian not for health reasons but for the animals.




  1. If you became a vegetarian for the animals, then you should be conscious of where your smoking products come from too. I don't like the idea of my smokes coming from a large corporation that I know doesn't care for the environment of even the people around them, so I go to small companies, like International Oddities for my fix. They have buds, cigarettes, and everything else you'd need, and you don't  have to feel guilty about it. My fave is the blueberry bud...

  2. Tobacco is vegetable matter.

  3. I smoke.  I have tried quitting a few times, but it's easier to go vegan than quit smoking for me.  Instead I switched to a brand that doesn't test on animals.

    Vegetarianism is a practice of lessening one's impact on cruelty to animals.  I don't see how smoking can affect that.

  4. Tobacco is grown just like any other plant.

  5. i don't smoke. i think it's really bad for you and it hurts others more than you yourself.

  6. Being vegetarian has made me pay a lot more attention to my health than I ever did before.  I smoked in my late teens but I just stopped cold turkey so I guess I wasn't addicted yet.

    I also am not a drinker or into drugs.  I experimented, but it never was something I was interested in.  I think alcohol, drugs, and cigs are a waste of good money.  I would rather spend the money on my kids or use it to buy more yummy vegetarian food:)

    And I figure I am healthier for my decisions.

    One more thing:  I also don't want to support industries that hurt people.  A lot of unhealthy things are marketed directly to sweet tasting alcoholic beverages and brightly colored cig packaging.

  7. I quit smoking almost two years ago.  When I did, some friends told me they never got how I could be a vegan and a smoker.  I admit, it is incongruous when I care so much about the environment and my health.  Most of the trash that goes into the ocean is cigarette butts.  Icky.

    Smoking is a personal choice, but it doesn't seem like something a vegetarian should do.

    And those who said smoking hurts others more than the smoker are ignorant.  My father smoked for 30 years and he's the one who got laryngeal cancer, not us.  Smoking hurts the smoker a lot; don't lie to yourself and think otherwise.  My dad's oncologist said that tumor was growing on his larynx for a good 20 years.

    Quit now.  You'll be better off.

  8. Personally, I don't smoke and somewhat for the same reason I don't consume animals. Being a vegetarian is about diet and not smoking, true, but the question is asking about the two together and hence, my answer:

    It's about consequences. Eating meat causes a lot of suffering to those outside of my own body. Smoking is the same. In fact, smoking usually hurts others more than the smoker. Edit: Ima, while I like her pov and decision, I think she should look at real studies and facts before calling someone else ignorant when she is only making a point based on anecdotal experience. Look at second-hand smoke studies.

    If you want to hurt yourself, fine by me. If what you do hurts others, that is a different story. Why? Because I care about animals and humans. It makes me a HUMANE person. That is how the two easily collaborate.

  9. i think smoking is gross... my grandparents used to smoke all the time... luckily they stopped, but when ever a smoker walks by me the smell nearly suffocates me... i hate it

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