
About what age do female cats become in heat?

by Guest60224  |  earlier

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About what age do female cats become in heat?




  1. some at 6 - 7 months

    but the best is 9 or a year

  2. Females will usually go into heat when they weigh 5 pounds. That's about 4-6 months old. She can be spayed when she reaches 3 pounds. It's much better to have the spay done before the first heat to protect her from developing mammary cancer.

  3. I've heard as early as four months.  That's rare though.  

    Kittens can be fixed as soon as they reach 2 lbs, depending on the vet.  Younger kittens recover faster than older ones and heat is a horribly annoying thing to experience for people and I'm guessing it feels much worse for the cat.  So once they're big enough and healthy there's no reason to wait.  

  4. Our female cat went into heat at just 4 months old.  I think it depends upon their body weight and the time of year.  Longer daylight hours trigger cats going into heat, which is why there are often more kittens born at certain times of the year.

  5. 6 months

    but dont let her gety pregnant untill 7-8 month old because there will be complecations in birth wich may lead to the death of the mother :( and make sure the male cat is free of the cat disease like aids by checking him up at the vet

    but if you dont want it pregnant, GET IT SPAYED IMEDIATLY or for a week every month you'll hear her meowing and sticking her bum up at you when you pet her !!

    hope this helps x

  6. My girl cat just had kittens she is 6 or 7 months (don't remember) but she hasn't gotten a heat until now (the babies are about 5 and a hlaf weeks)

    My other females were all diffrent depends on the cat, the range would be 6 months and up though ;)

  7. 5-6 months and PLEASE get her a search on Pyometra it is a disease that female cats that arent spayed can get if not fixed ...dont allow this to happen to your cat mine almost died of this

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