
About when would a baby be fine if it was born premie? ?

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My friend just gave birth at 35 weeks and went home two days later with her son. I am 33 weeks 5 days and having major contractions (BH but painful). If my baby came early, would she be fine?




  1. Yep.  Babies can survive outside the womb from about 28 weeks.  Of course, the more premature the baby is the more medical assistance it will need to survive.  But, I wouldn't worry too much.  Doctors are prepared and well equipped to handle those issues.  Just don't be afraid to call your doctor at ANY time with ANY concerns!!!

  2. Your baby would most likely have complications with breathing, eating and body temperature.  If your contractions regulate, get to the hospital.

  3. if born at 34 weeks your baby has the same chance of survival if born at 40 weeks. Good luck

  4. Probably. Now a days premature babies are usually fine.  

  5. well premature babies have a much higher survival rate, i was born 3 months to early and i'm here!

  6. Usually, after the 32 week mark, preemies have an excellent chance of survival.

    My friend Jessica had twins at 32 weeks, and both girls are fine and healthy.

  7. i am 26 weeks and my doctor said that if i was to have my baby know that the baby had a good chance to make it. but the baby would just have to stay in the hospital for a while

  8. It all depends on the baby. Just hope you are as close to 40 weeks as possible, lungs can be underdeveloped even at 37 weeks. If you think you are having real contractions I would call your dr, they might put you on bed rest.  

  9. Oh wow, you'll be fine!  Sorry to rain on your parade though,  Your baby will probably stay in quite a bit longer (darn it, huh?),

    Naturally, there are increased risks for the baby coming early, ecspecially if it is a white male (lungs take longer to develop), but  babies come out WAY earlier than 33 weeks and are fine.  I know a young couple who worked for my hubby (she was 15) and they gave birth at 6 months and their baby was completely fine.   Went home in 3 that crazy or what?

    You may have to stay in the hospital a little longer and the docs will just make sure the baby is breathing fine and run extra tests.  More than likely, by this stage in the game your baby has some serious weight on her.  That is the main worry with premies is the lack of weight.  It is harder for underwieght babes to fight off infections and when they get sick they don't have extra weight they can afford to lose.

    Honestly, your due date is a guess.  You may be 34 weeks along.  

    The contractions are normal and your body is just getting ready for the delivery.  I know it stinks, but soon enough you'll have a healthy baby in your arms.  Make sure you are drinking lots of water and get as much rest as you can (even if you can't sleep sit down with your feet up).  Also, walking has been shown to help the contractions/cramping.

    Make sure you tell your doc about your contractions and anything going on during your pregnancy.  Your doc can reassure you and alos let you know if you should be on bed rest (very rare these days).

    Try not  to worry.  It won't help anything at all.  Try to just focus on what a gorgeous, healthy baby you're going to have.  That has been proven to help!

    Good Luck, sweetie and I hope the contractions even off for you.

  10. i was two months premature and had to be incubated for a couple of weeks coz i was so tiny and lungs not fully developed yet. had alot of allergies that i struggled with but 23 years later, still here and doing fine. that was years ago, but i imagine the tech now is more developed to handle such cases better than before.  

  11. a baby born at week 24 would live, but be seriously ill and need lots of special care. they say around week 33 if your baby were to be born then he/she should be ok, as most of their organs are developed by now. its only their lungs which wont have matured by then, so would possibly have to have steroid injections and other care to help.

    i think if you were to go in labour, then you would have a really high chance of baby being fine. and with the hospitals nowadays you would get all the care possible. obviously its best for baby to stay in there as long as possible but if you were to give birth now then you would be in safe hands.

    good luck and hope all goes well for you... xx

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