
About wild doves?

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I have some doves making a nest frist time I help by using a box because their nest keep falling apart and that work 2nd they had baby and they fell down and die 3rd time I put up I put up a small broad to block there fall and that work now 1 of them were bigger than the other and i was watching them and it look like the parent was trying to push that 1 out for about 2 days then last night i watch the parent get in the nest with the 2 baby and roost with them I got up real early about 5 am and hear some nose outside so I ran out there and saw nothing to dark but I could still see the parent then the parent left I look at the nest and 1 was gone I found a couple of feathers on the ground I fear a cat got 1 anyway the mother came back and feed the other 1 my question is how do you now when it is time for it to fly away should I keep a closer eye on it and will they nest again its 7/24/08




  1. Baby birds leave the nest BEFORE they can fly...they are very vulnerable at this time to cats, dogs, and other ground predators. They will hop around on the ground and low scrubs, trees, etc. and the parents will care for them there until they learn to fly.  They leave the nest at 15 days of age.

  2. what?
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