
About yahoo group Management ?

by Guest60937  |  earlier

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Hi, I am a moderator of a yahoo group. It is only a group of my family members. I just changed some settings in the Management. I changed that the members are allowed to hide their email address. But didnt realize that I cant undo the feature. Once I changed this feature, I cannot undo it.

Is their any way that I can undo it?






  1. no, it's not reversible and it cant be changed. it's in bold red before you made that change to warn you. sorry, it's stuck that way

  2. Just because you're the moderator of a group doesnt make you the owner of the individual group members therefore it is not your place to tell people what they can and cannot do. You can only modify your behaviors not anyone elses. Apparently you people dont understand things very well but i think you will eventually learn about the things you can control and the things you cant control.

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