
Abra-kabob-ra anyone?

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about 8 years ago, while backpacking through europe, i vistited dublin, ireland. i didn't have much money, so staying in hostels and eating cheaply was important. i remember going to this mediterranean fast food type restaurant. i thought it was called abra-kabob-ra. it seemed to be part of a chain. they had delicious falafal and garlic fries... mmm. i tried searching for it on the web, but nothing came up. has anyone else heard of it? am i spelling the name wrong?




  1. Also called Kebabarama used to go there when id had a skinfull,yum!

  2. It's called Abrakebabra.  It still exists.

  3. Its abrakebabra you can find them all over ireland not just in Dub! :)
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