
Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King, John McCain belong to the Republican Hall of Fame...?

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...showing that the Republican party attracts Heroic leaders that change America for the better rather than spoon feeding fear, anger and despair into the mouths of the citizens and then calling it hope?




  1. u insulted King and Lincoln. The McCain of 2000 maybe not the McSame of 2008

  2. Yes, and Obama belongs in the "American Hall Of Shame"

  3. How dare you even mention McCain in the same sentence with true heroic leaders like Lincoln and King?

    The Republican party of Lincoln was a far cry from the one of today. And as for King, he and his father were largely responsible for the fact that most African Americans are Democrats today.

    <<In 1960, King was arrested for trespassing during a sit-in and held in Georgia's Reidsville prison. Fearing for his son's life, Martin Luther King Sr. appealed to presidential candidate and civil rights supporter John F. Kennedy to secure his release.

    When King was freed, his father vowed to deliver 10 million votes to the Democrat. That began nearly five decades of black people voting for liberals.

    The younger King voted for Kennedy, and for Democrat Lyndon B. Johnson four years later. In that election, King publicly denounced the Republican candidate, Barry Goldwater.

    Today, the vast majority of black voters are Democrats, including former ambassador to the United Nations Andrew Young and former presidential hopeful Jesse L. Jackson, two former King aides.

    "Anyone with any sense knows that most black people were Republican at one time. But it's a far stretch to think that in the '60s Martin Luther King was a Republican.">>

  4. Lincoln and King would not recognize the republican party today.  Just so you know it is the conservatives that are using fear and anger to sway votes.  Thats why people keep saying Obama is a muslim and keep calling him by his middle name.

  5. I am pretty sure Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King weren't adulterers.

    McCain cheated on Carol McCain.

    If his being a POW is part of his campaign, then we shouldn't ignore the circumstances that led to the failure of his marriage.

  6. Are you serious? That's how they stay in power. Forget the Constitution!  Our police beat and arrest protesters, the press and people just thinking about protesting. Preemptive arrests and preemptive war

    Dr. King and MLK should not be included with these monsters.

  7. Tell me, was Martin Luther King a Goldwater Republican or a Nixon Republican?  If he were alive today, would he spend his time demanding an extension of the tax cuts for the rich, or calling for victory in Iraq?

  8. well said.  

  9. I don't think Lincoln and King would like to be mentioned in the same breath as McCain.

    1. Fear - like "who will keep America safe?" etc

    2. Anger - like Palin last night.

    3. Despair - like the last 8 years.

    I'll stick with hope.  

  10. Lincoln was almost kicked out of the Republican party for freeing the slaves. The Republicans of that era wanted to occupy the south, kiscking ou or enslaving the whites there. The carpet bag era was wholly a Republican thing.

    MLK was not a Republican.

    McCain is not a hero, never was.

  11. You forgot to mention John Wayne.

  12. Really, get help and Quick...

  13. When Lincoln was a republican, republicans shared what people who are dems. believe. Find somone who can explain history to you. The parties reversed so today the first to men would be called democrats.

  14. The Party has changed a lot since Lincoln.. you need to understand the ideology and brush up on your history. The comparison is not just.

  15. McCAIN in the Republican Hall of FAME?  Oh, no, no, no, no!!  For what, celebrating his birthday with Bush in AF1 when Katrina hit Louisiana?  

    I HIGHLY doubt that.

    If it is, I think I might faint.

  16. Uh...King wasn't an elected official, Einstein...He was a Civil Rights Leader...

  17. Martin Luther was an adulterer and he wasn't a Republican.  He was very liberal.

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