
Abraham Lincoln Democrat or Republican?

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Democrats all invoked name of Abraham Lincoln when talking of Obama Especially Black Leaders on CNN during DNC interviews "Obama is a the senetor from the state of Lincoln" Charlie Wrangle Congressman.

When was Lincoln member of theDemocratic Party. Before or after he help defeat the southern Democrats in the Civil War.

Can someone please explain to me the love of Lincoln and hate for Republicans from Democrats.




  1. The Republican Party and the Democratic Party of today have little resemblance to the Republican Party and the Democratic Party of 1960, let alone 1860.

    In a lot of ways, it was very improbable that the Democratic Party would the party identified with championing civil rights - probably even more improbable that a Texan, Lyndon Johnson, would play such a big part in redefining the Democratic Party.

  2. I think he was a Republican.  But that meant very different things back then than it does now.

  3. Maybe you can explain the love of Harry Truman that so many Republicans espouse these days.  Probably not, though.

    Different parties, different times.  

    Edit: You asked, "Can someone please explain to me the love of Lincoln and hate for Republicans from Democrats."  My statement parallels yours, without the "hate" part, which was silly.  Republicans have been extolling the virtues of "Give 'em h**l Harry" since the days of Reagan.  Bush likes to compare himself with Truman, and now the Republicans are giving Palin the Truman treatment (see link below).  And please learn to spell.

  4. Dems conveniently like to forget that:

    1. Lincoln, who freed the slaves, was Republican.

    2. The major opposition to freeing the slaves came from Democrats.

    3. MLK jr. was a Republican.

    There's really no explaining the Liberal mind.

  5. Republican with a democratic  mind.

  6. Well he was Republican, you see.....he gave the blacks the opportunity to support themselves....get jobs and earn held down by no man.

    What happened?

  7. You have noticed that democrats love a good lie and they have the uncanny ability to claim things so stupid that no even corrects them

  8. Whig was the party.   Notice he was for freedom and not slavery like the current republicans.  The two parties have flipflopped several times since then.  At that time those for slavery were in the south and democrat, and the north was the bankers.  In the 60s, Civil Rights flipped flopped, and now democrats are for liberty and justice.  

  9. Abe Lincoln was a down state Republican. Even back then he fought Chicago political hacks like Obama. There is no comparison between the two.

  10. Lincoln was a Republican just as Democrats used to be segregationists.

    Democrats reference Lincoln because he was a progressive Illinois leader from humble beginnings just like Obama.

    The fact that he was technically a Republican is just a label.  

  11. I think jealousy is the reason for all the hate, I really do.

    We work harder, have more and are smarter.

    Generally we are better looking too....


  12. he was a Republican

  13. A republican, but a traitor to his party's core beliefs.

  14. Republican.

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