
Abramoff gets FOUR YEARS IN PRISON. Do we have anything different to expect from a McSame regime?

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  1. He got more than Sandy Burger did.  And there are several Democrats that have been accused that have not even seen the inside of a court room yet. We have yet to see how Obama Bin Ladin was invloved with Tony Resko.

  2. nope  mcidiot has one of abramoffs ex buds on his campaign staff   yeah im a maverick  i ll change the way stuff is done yeah right

  3. The dude is in prison where he belongs!  The system worked!!!!  Let it go!

  4. no bush should get some toooooo

  5. Um, he's in prison.  Did you notice that?  He was prosecuted by the BUSH ADMINISTRATION.

    Did you not know that?  The BUSH ADMINISTRATION put him behind bars.  So, you DON'T want people like him prosecuted?

    And did you not know that he was bribing people on BOTH sides of the aisle?

  6. Yeah, 6 six years including time-served.  More than the prosecution asked for! He thought he'd get off by turning-in his 'friends'. Classic Republican.  

    And what the h**l is McSame doing hiring Ralph Reed, Abramoff's right-hand man, to do fundraising?  

  7. Evidently, another Abramoff scandal would be likely in a McCain administration:

    It is obvious that the candidate for "reform" is not at tonight's convention.

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