
Abscessed tooth? What can I do?

by  |  earlier

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I am 18 years old and have had a false tooth put over my front tooth that had broken in half when I was a child. I have in addition had a root canal. During a check up my dentist said I had a infection inside my gum (there has been a reoccurring pimple at the root of my false tooth for years) he didn't use this term..but I believe it is a tooth abscess after researching it. Because of the root canal I feel nothing. Because I am pretty poor and uninsured he told me he would perform a mini surgery that usually an oral surgeon would handle. He went into my gums and placed a piece of metal into the canal saying it was open and needed to be blocked off. He also prescribed antibiotics. This didn't work. The pimple filled with pus returned. And he said he wanted to try the surgery again, that he might of missed some of the small splits in my canal (I'm sorry that I explain so poorly). So I followed his advice and we did the surgery a 2nd time. It has healed but here I am sitting with another pimple filled with yellow pus (instead of the previous clear pus). I dint know what to do! He said that if this wasn't treated it would spread to the bone and I could lose my front tooth. I am a young female. Imagine what this means to me.. I looked up him up and yes he does have license. I also researched abscesses and found that it could spread to my brain!?! I dont have the money for all this. I haven't had a general check up for years, I cant afford a brain infection!




  1. It sounds as if the infection is severe and likely to need further antibioics...I know you are unable to afford a lot of dental work however I feel this cant be left go back again it and make sure its not an absess.

  2. ok you did your best.

    Now its time to go to the dental specialist.

    lets it...and don't die

    but be poor for a while longer.

    don't do it and die

    but be dead.

    hmmm.time to sell your car and stereo.

    by the way...the pus you might see now may actually be the medication leaking, Call the Denist right away.

  3. Hi...I am assuming the broken front tooth is the one that has been root canaled........I guess your dentist is really delaying the inevitable, it will need to be extracted. I'm sorry but a root canal that has failed needs extracting. There is no hope for that tooth. Antibiotics are a quick fix and the infection will always return. For your health I suggest an extraction which will cost about $120 or less (since it may be easy to remove). Next, I recomend getting a flipper ($120) which is a removable denture and relatively inexpensive. I feel bad about your situation, do you have anyone who can help you with those expenses? Ask your parents maybe, or see if you can do a payment plan with your dentist.

    You are young for this and its too bad its your front tooth. However make sure you look after your other teeth to prevent any future expenses. Floss before bed and brush 2x.    In time your finances may be better or your future husband will have insurance then you could get a bridge in place of the flipper. Good Luck

  4. d**n....sometimes the infection is just too far gone, and just can't be helped, it might be a hopeless case.  

    Do you have a teaching hospital in the area with residents...they might have a oral surgery department that could help you...

    Many county hospitals are teaching hospitals (even in smaller towns)

    Good luck...

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