
Absence makes the heart grow... weaker?or fonder?

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which one works for you? :)




  1. There's another old saying that goes: absence is to the heart as air is to fire.  It can fan a spark or extinguish a flame.

  2. ..... stronger.

  3. Both. Your heart grows weaker because you are away from that something, but it grows stronger too because you desire and fixate on wanting that something back. So you are weaker in spirit from your seperation, but fonder and stronger for the desire and love of that something to be with you again.

  4. Older people said absence makes the heart grow fonder sometimes for the missing half.

  5. Absence makes the bed cold :-(

  6. Fonder, naturally.  Of course it depends on your relationship!

  7. the saying is... fonder.  It doesn't always ring true though.  The person you are absent from has to actually notice you are gone and miss you.

  8. Weaker....

    It breaks my relationship into bits after years.

    It's hard not seeing someone.

  9. absence of what, air?

  10. Absence makes the heart grow more frustrated

  11. forgetful - either of the other person's faults (hence, a stronger relationship) or the other person (hence, . . . well. . . )

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