I have 2 - 29 gallong tanks for my beardies (one long and one tall - and yes they will get a bigger home when they're adults so don't lecture me on that, please). I'm not happy with the lighting they have right now because the lady at the pet store just wanted to make a quick sale. Grr!
I'm thinking of getting this hood for my beardies, but I want EXPERT opinions on the matter. The 30" is what I'm lookin' at.
I already have a 24" ReptiSun 10.0 tube light for one (getting another) so I'd get the 30" hoods to go with them. I also have "daylight" (full spectrum) bulbs and night bulbs to go with it (only for the winter 'cause it gets pretty cold here at night) and I also have a basking bulb that makes their basking spot about 105-108 degrees. I thought I had a fixture for my tube lights, but I was wrong.
Would this be a good hood to get or am I all wrong? Breeders and herp experts are more respected. Thanks!