
Absolute beginner books for python?

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I have chosen python to be my first programming language to prepare for c/c++. But I am a complete beginner and know very little about programming. Any good beginners python books,ebooks,websites,ect.

P.S. basically no knowledge of programming




  1. hi

    well i think u would go for the tutorial that come with lanugage package downloaded from , and then try some cool books/links.

    Some books to buy /order  :

    1."Learning Python"

    2."Python: Visual Quick Start"

    Some links  to study from :



    3.a very cool one :

  2. "Game Programming - The L Line" teaches game development in Python assuming absolutely no prior experience with programming or Python.

    The first three chapters teach how programming works using the Python language.  

    The remainder of the book works into various aspects of programming and game development, including graphics, event-handling, object-oriented programming, and much more.

    One thing I was very careful with in this book was to focus on Python in a way that would make other languages easier.  Python has a few idiosyncrasies that do not transfer to most languages (it uses the terms list and vector where most languages say array, for example.)  I always try to be clear how any Python-specific idea ties to larger concepts, so it will be easy to transfer your skills to other languages.  

    If you've any interest in game development, you should check this book out. I've made all the source code for the book available on the web site, as well as all the powerpoint presentations for the class that uses the book. I'll be developing a set of videos this semester as a companion.

    Good Luck!

  3. I cannot recommend this book strongly enough. It is exactly what you're looking for. It contains many concepts that are not unique to Python but that Python makes easy to understand. If you take the time to learn these concepts, it will benefit you for the rest of your life.

    Python Programming: An Introduction to Computer Science by John Zelle.

    You can preview it using Google Books with the first link below, and buy it from Amazon using the second.

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