
Abstinence..OOPS.. Palin Family forgot?

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Is the sarcasm over your heads....i don't care if shis preganant..the point is that the moralist religious right fringe want to tell US ALL what to do..but their views are unrealistic and border on cult like allegiance. i wish her well....and triplets




  1. big freaking deal!! omg this is soooo stupid, there are people all over the world having s*x, so why can't she. Try the politics sections where they might actually care

  2. Goodness, how dare a child in a political family have a normal life.

    How many people do you know that were virgins at age 17? Get over it. Maybe have some compassion for this poor girl who suddenly has all eyes (and pointed fingers) on her.

  3. You know, as much as I feel for that 17-year-old girl having to go through such a trying ordeal in the public eye, her situation drives home an important point. Abstinence-only s*x education, for which Sarah Palin has so vigorously fought, DOES NOT WORK!  Study after study has shown that abstinence-only education is no more effective than no s*x education at all. The programs that are known to reduce teen pregancies and STD rates are those that are comprehensive and offer information on birth control and disease prevention.  

    I agree that teens don't need to be having s*x. But teens having babies is FAR worse than teens having s*x without having babies.

    EDIT: Yeah, I think some people missed the irony in the situation. The policies that this girl's mom so fervently espouses, and tries to force on everyone else, have come back to bite their family in the butt.

  4. The school where I grew up taught Abstinence...  big joke at school...  They have good material but look at what day and age it is... you can't stop them...  All children need to be taught safe s*x, if there parents want to try and intsill abstinence then thats there choice.. but they should know about safe s*x...  As for the Palins I think its sad that everyone is attacking Bristol... first is was that Sara Palins 5th child was Bristols baby then it came out that Bristol was pregnant and that idea dropped..  Democrats will do everything they can to make them look bad and hurt whoever they can in the process with no heart or feelings.  Its sad what our country has become...  As for Sara Palin and her Abstinence....  well at least she is supporting her daughter...some adults really do believe that the abstinence program will work... but they didnt grow up when I did and see what I saw....  as for Bristol go her for choosing to keep her baby!!

  5. oh haha...that was so funny. you're a tard. get a life.

  6. Get over it. It happens to families all the time.

  7. Not only do I feel sorry for Bristol Palin, but I feel sorry for people like you. How can you judge someone because of what their children do. She is going through a very emotional, spiritual, and mentally nerve wracking moment being pregnant (especially at 17). However, I think that it is wonderful that she has decided to keep her baby and not get an abortion like all of the democratic-liberal squares would have like better. Sarah Palin is a REAL women and she is showing that she holds a real life just like every other person in America. This is just what we need in the political office. Real people that do not try to hide their selves for our country. Someone who is willing to stand up for what they believe regardless of their political standards or reputations. Sarah Palin is not to blame for her child becoming pregnant. Teens are going to do whatever they want to do whether parents do or do not know about it. People need to stop trying to criticize Bristol for her wrong doing and congratulate her on her new blessing from God. Being in a political family is hard enough as it is, but why in the world would people want to make it even harder by being so judge-mental.  

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