TTC never ceases to amaze me. Each cycle, my body would do something new to throw me off. This cycle, I used OPK, relied on CM and temping. I just learned that out of the 3, temping is probably the most reliable tool and I should have alerted myself to that. Anyhow, this is what happened this month. Take into account that hubby has low sperm count, low motility and low morphology, so we have to save the swimmers up 3 days before bding.
CD 9 = negative OPK, 97.4, sticky cm (sleeplessness may have caused the higher temp)
CD 10= negative OPK, 97.1, some ewcm.
CD11= negative OPK, 97.0, more ewcm. In retrospect, I believe I O’ed this day
CD12= positive OPK, 97.4, abundant ewcm. (BD’ed)
CD 13= still positive OPK, 97.6, dry.
I should have relied on the temp and see that with the dip on CD11, that estrogen was in full force and that was probably O day. Clearly, my temp was not in line with OPK and cm. My questions are:
1) How can OPK go positive on the day of O, doesn’t it go positive about 12 hours before O?
2) Why did I have the most ewcm the day after O?
3) Did I bd too late?