
Abuse! please help! i know i've asked this alot but i need more answers!!!

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Okay so this morning i got a bowl of cereal and it was a big one. and my brothers like fatty. and im not even fat, he is. but anyway he called me a bunch of names. then he called me stupid and i said id rather be stupid then g*y. (he's not g*y and i have nothing against g**s!) then he said a bunch of other mean stuff. then i said geeze stay away from those boys. and i walked away. and he said "what did you say!" and im like "you heard me" then he hit me across the head and i started crying and said "f****s!" and he came and hit me really hard! i spilt my cereal. then my mom just told him to stop. my moms a ***** i hate her. and my dad too. (he's at work) but no one ever stands up for me. well i havae to babysit in like 5 hours. and im kinda close to the mom. we go on vacations together with her husband and the kids. those kids love me, she once let a student (she's a teacher) stay at her house for a long time cuz his parents were messed up. what should i do? i've been gitting hit and sworn at by my brother(s) since i was little! by the only 14 and he's 20. HELP! should i ask who i babysit for if i can stay with them? should i tell her the story? thanks a bunch!

and please dont say ignore him..i've tried and it doesnt work! sooo alls i want to know is would the police take me away? and could i live with the kids if they said yes?

OOOHH! and my parents have been yelling at me a lot. and telling me what to do and if i dont they yell really bad. im sick of it. and my parents go out every night to every other night! I hate it at home! ILL RUN AWAY!!!




  1. ok this is silly, why would you run away?  Where would you go?  There are children starving and living on the streets and you want to leave a perfectly good home?  There are kids that actually do get abused physically, like ribs broken, and you want to leave b/c your annoying brother won't leave you alone?

    Lets get serious ok.  If you want your brother to treat you with respect, then you need to give him respect.  Don't call him names, that's what a child does.  Ask your parents for a family meeting.  Talk about what bothers you and express how you feel in a mature way.  Simply yelling, name calling, and "hating your parents" is really pointless.  

    When I was younger I told my mom that I wanted to move away and never see them again.  I wish you could have seen the look of pain on her face after I said that.  Your parents brought you into this world, they're paying your way, giving you a place to live, sleep, and eat.  Appreciate them more and allow them to have a life other than raising children.  They were just like you once with their own agendas.  I'm not saying that parents should be gone every other night, but they shouldn't have guilt for wanting to do other activities.

    Tell your parents that you don't want them to be gone so much and express to your brother that it really bothers you when he's rude and hits you...w/o the name calling and I bet it'll be better.

    You could be allot worse off than you are now.  Appreciate your life b/c you make it your own and you only have one life on this Earth.

  2. call the cops, tell your teacher, tell that lady you babysitt for...tell a the child-abuse hotlines....


    sorry to hear about your situation...=(

  3. kick his ***, play pranks and tel lall the girls at his school he hits girls....his social life will go down the drain and he will never hit you...its all in black mailing...

  4. Dats hard i kinda been tru the same thing but my dad would get my brother in place now we are both older he got a gf and it stopped. I cant tell u what to do but since your young u cant move out or run away lol maybe someone in the family can keep u for a while maybe ur mom dont know how serious this is to u, u definitly need help yes tell the ppl who you are going to be babysitting their kids maybe they have some advice.

  5. Well legally the next person you'd go to is a realitive.

    You can tell the police but they'll place you with an aunt or uncle.


    Don't keep it in, because it will just keep building inside you.

  6. i kinda have the same story here. wat i do is whenever my brother looks mad i just go outside actully one time my brother hit me and  i screamed WHY DO U HIT ME? IS THERE A REASON? JUST STOP and he said nothing and walked away try it

  7. hit him back, dont let him walk all over you. and u need to tell your parents that they are not being fair and that they need to do something about him. what is he doing still living at the house at age 20 anyway. he should have an job at least and go buy his on d**n cereal. if you cant handle it anymore i think you should talk to the kids mom and tell her whats going on and ask her what she think you should do.

    hope i helped!

  8. If you are really geting hit by your brother than i would tell the teacher and report it to the DHS office, they will do an investagation and if the house is unsafe for you, have broses, ect.. they will take you but it will be for you own good you don't need to be that kind of place. you need to fell safe and happy.

  9. Stop being so dramatic.  You're a child.  Mind your parents and their rules, and stop bickering with your brother.  He may be 20, and you 14, but I can't imagine you are so immature that you can't control your reactions.  Be the bigger person and walk away.  In the long run you'll be saving yourself grief.

    When you're an adult, get a job, move out, and you can make your own rules.  Until then, pick up a book and read.

  10. WOW


  11. Stop whining thats part of growing up and having a brother... i dealt with it every single day. Get over yourself and dont be such a brat people have it a h**l of a lot worse than you ok.

    By the way your 14 all 14 year olds hate their parents... and parents yell thats what they do...

    At least they dont beat you and being slapped by your older brother and called names yeah wow thats really abuse thats in almost every single family with more than one child.

  12. okay, my brothers like that

    he shouts at me loads

    threatens me, hits me and stuff

    but its not as bad as that

    im 13 and hes 16

    im not bothered as hes not home much, and its not that bad but anyway

    try telling your mum that it really really annoys you, you dont like it

    tell her properly and show her how much its making you upset

    in a non-g*y way if you get what i mean

    otherwise just tell someone else

    cant really think of anything else, good luck


  13. If you're close with your mom talk about how serious it really is (you want to live somewhere else) or show her how serious it is by actually living at your babysitter's house. Your brother doesn't respect you and you need to do something to show your parents how serious this is and hopefully that will show them than this isn't tolerable and has to stop.

  14. Awwww hun, its sad to hear your story. Im here for yah if you needa talk. Well first, never let anyone tell your your something your not. Dont even talk back to people who are mean. They wont put on a show if they dont have an audience...When he calls you fat, just nod your head and be like yeah . :)

    You needa telll someone. Tell the ppl you go to bby sit for. Dont ask to just stay wiht them just tell them and explain how you feel. Hittin is not okay under any circumstance. EVER. your a reallly great girl and deserve better Please tell someone and make a difference in the abusive history :)

  15. Don't run away that's a crime, I would suggest telling a mature grownup you trust, like those neighbors

  16. Your best bet would be to talk to your shool counselor or nurse. They hve been trained to deal with home abuse and will know all the necessary contacts to help you out. The authorities may investigate your house and if physical abuse is found and whos doing it may cause you to be taken out of the house and put into a much better and safer environment. Since your brother is an adult, he can be arrested for assault and battery on a minor and removed from the house. One warning; they will check out your story completely as you will need help wth this, and somebody is going to be in trouble. The yelling by your parents is not as bad as the physical hitting from your brother so nothing may not happen to your parent. Anyway talk to your school counselor or church official for advice. Nothing will change til you want it to

  17. He's 20 and your 14.   He can go to jail for hitting you.  I'd tell someone and if it is SERIOUS then yes you can go to the cops; howevver, if you are just a rebelous teen making things out to be more than they are then I'd think carefully about what I do.  It could ruin your brother's life if he gets in trouble with the law.  When you're 25 you may regret doing that to him!

  18. Your brother is over 18, next time he hurts you call 911.

  19. telll the teacher lady

  20. I think have an abusive brother. I really dont know wat you can do. Have u ever tried to talk to your parents about how you feel. I dont know if that would help. But it's worth a shot.

    Hope i helped


    aka yoyo

  21. Omg! I'm 13 1/2 and i cant believe you live in house with that kind of surroundings!!!!! I'd be surprised if you werent thinking of running away! I bet a lot of other people in your situation are much worse off, maybe with suicidal thoughts or so.

    You need major help. At least your family does. I suggest talking to your neighbor about the situation in private. Its not a great idea to live with them because of all the complicated custody laws, but definetly ask her for advice, and have her drive you to the police office or whatever she thinks is best to do. She seems like a knowlegdable person with experience of all types of kids with problems at home or at school etc.

    The above answers are probably right: you'll be put in a house with your closest relative, whether it be a grandparent, or an aunt and uncle.

    Keep at it, and good luck!!!!

  22. maybe u should talk to your school counseolor about it and ur counselor will be sure to confront ur mom bout this and then ur mom might take it seriously and do something about it. im really sorry;  

  23. Oh my god- no- don't run away!

    First, you need to talk to your brothers and tell them that you don't like how they treat you, etc.

    Also, talk to your mom, I mean, she's an adult, and your parent- she should be telling your brothers not to abuse you like that!

    If you want to also, you could probably go to counseling (preferably with your brothers...)... I've heard that it can really help!

    But, counseling costs money, but you could always (once school starts again) go to your school counselor... They are there to help you in any way that you need.

    Explain your situation, and don't feel embarrased about anything! They need to know everything you told us on here to be able to help you to the best of their abilities!

  24. If your brother is 20 then he could be charged with assault. YOU DEFINATELY NEED TO BRING THIS TO THE ATTENTION OF A TRUSTED ADULT!  Plz do not run away, that will only make you out to be the bad person.  The friend you mentioned may be able to help, talk to her and ask for advice.  Take pictures of any injuries your brother gives you and either lock them up for safe keeping or give them to someone you trust who will hold them in case you need to go to the police.

    I wish I had the magic answer that would make it all better, but unfortunately, there is none.

    Good luck and I will keep you in my thoughts.

  25. Tell an adult you trust. . . and with them tell the police. God bless! and i hope everything goes well.  

  26. I think you should tell someone about your abusive brother.  Your parents can be charged with child neglect since they aren't doing anything to protect you from your bro.  He's a jerk, btw.  I'm not sure how child protective services operate, but I'm sure that if the lady you trust offers to adopt you, they won't object, unless you have other immediate families.  My friend went through something similar and says that they like to try to keep the kids with memebrs of the family.  Definately tell someone.  Don't subject your self to this.  Your worth so much more.  

  27. I'm so sorry you're having a rough time sweetheart, and it does sound like you're being over looked in all of this.  Maybe if you talked to your teacher and had her talk to your parents, it will make a difference.  You need to talk to someone about this and your teacher sounds like the person you should talk to.  

    It makes a difference to parents if they have a teacher tell them the problems that they're daughter is having, but if you talk with your teacher, you have to tell her all the details.  That way when she talks with your mother, she can better explain what's going on than you can and she can get it across to your mother how you're really feeling.  Sometimes parents don't listen when they're kids speak to them and they need someone else to speak for them.  I know, it shouldn't be that way, but it is that way for a lot of children.  Another thing, I know big brothers can be a pain and sometimes not, but yours definitely is and he should not be putting his hands on you.

    Go talk with your teacher before you do anything because running away is definitely "Not" the answer to your problem.  Infact, if you run away, you'll be creating an even bigger problem for yourself.  Where will you stay?  Will you be like a lot of runaway young girls and stay on the streets?  That's what happens to most of them and then they turn to drugs and prostitution just to make money.  You think your brother is bad... Just wait til you run away, there are some very mean and nasty men in this world that would love to get you under they're control and put you to work on the streets.  How does it make you feel to think of having to sleep with all sorts of men each and every night and make maybe 20-50 bucks for doing it??  Then you'll have to take that money and give it to your pimp when you were the one that did all sorts of disgusting things to make only 50 bucks... if that.

    You haven't finished your education yet and you're not even 18, so you won't be able to get a job that will pay you enough to support yourself.  You'll also be considered a runaway and the police will be looking for you.  

    Sometimes when you think you got it bad... Trust me, it can be much, much worse than your current situation.  So, having said all of that.  Right now, you should talk with your teacher friend and tell her about your situation and take some advice from her, but baby please don't run away.  I'd hate to read or hear about you on the 10 o'clock News.

    Hang in there sweetheart, you won't be 14 forever.

  28. you should talk to the other mom maybe she can help you cause you need to talk to a adult and u can write me at i will be your friend and talk to you threw this please talk to me on my email

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